Perhaps you have not heard much about the INFP, especially since it only represents about 4% of the personality types. However, you can be sure that it is part of an extremely interesting profile. In this post, we dive deep into the 31 secrets of the turbulent and assertive mediators for INFP-T vs. INFP-A.
To prove this, it has unique secrets that make up its turbulent and assertive subdivisions.
For example, mediators, as they are also called, have a calm, reserved, and free nature to play with the infinite possibilities that life offers. In other words, their supposed stillness does not hinder their avid desire to walk along the paths until they reach their goals.
What differs from each chosen path is whether they are Turbulent Mediators (INFP-T) or Assertive Mediators (INFP-A). Interesting, huh? And if you are curious to find out more, get ready for the top 31 secrets of these personality types.

INFP-T vs. INFP-A: 31 Secrets of the Turbulent and Assertive Mediators
Secrets of INFP-T personality type
#1 Every stone in the path becomes learning
It is natural for the INFP personality to seek personal growth and that of others. In the case of INFP-T, this growth is often linked to difficult episodes in its path.
An often feeling of personal dissatisfaction and their failures will fuel them to learn and grow. For them, this set tends to inspire change rather than cause retraction.
#2 Idealism on the rise
For the turbulent mediator, growing up alone is not enough. Therefore, they have a huge sense of idealism when dealing with situations, which drives growth and development for them and those around them. Such idealism can be so dysfunctional that it becomes a burden on their personality.
#3 Self-infliction oppression often
All the need for growth and surprising effects becomes overwhelming at some point. But there is no one demanding these results from the turbulent mediators. All the demands and the hard pursuit for development are often self-imposed. That is what high goals usually do to someone.
#4 Become your worst judge
Self-criticism is one of the main and most intense characteristics of the turbulent personality type. And it will be present, even if indirectly, in more than one of the secrets of that personality. The problem is that, often, such internal criticism will do severe damage.
#5 An automatic broker of their own frailties
The INFP-T is very aware of its flaws and weaknesses, so trying to make up for them is almost an automatic action.
Any path becomes valid in the search for correcting their weaknesses. Even though it is a wonder to get better, it can still be very aggressive throughout the process.
Self-doubting, becoming too harsh unnecessarily, or not seeing themselves lighter are some of the consequences of this almost desperate attempt at self-correction.
#6 Frequently ruled by the emotional
For such an empathetic personality, it is natural that most of their decisions carry emotional weight. The turbulent mediator uses their emotions to create connections as well.
They may even be a whiner. In fact, they have no qualms about crying more than others, even though that might not be the best quality at first glance. But in the end, this emotional openness makes them stronger by expanding their support network.
#7 They overvalue the opinions of others
Perhaps it is an issue related to all empathetic personalities. Maybe it is the natural result you get when merging the moderating personality type with the turbulent one. Or possibly, it is to contribute to other people’s growth, as they usually do.
The fact is, turbulent mediators are always ready to listen and overvalue another person’s opinion. By nature, INFP-Ts are concerned about what others think of them.
While moderating personalities have an unusual appeal for opinions in general. Therefore, it makes sense to be so concerned about others’ opinions. If we take a deeper look, we will notice that this is just a desire to soften the inner negativity it creates, which brings us to the next little secret.
#8 The reaction of others brings more security
If there is a good thing about considering other people’s opinions so much, it is that this feedback often provides more reassurance to the turbulent mediating personalities. They often use it to grow.
It is as if this feedback is the assurance they need to feel more secure, make decisions and act in a challenging situation. The outside view has a lot of weight on their self-esteem, even if it is to confirm personal impressions, which is why opinions are taken so seriously by this type of personality.
#9 Sometimes stress becomes unavoidable
Extreme idealism and empathy are elements that drive the constant desire to change and improve.
While this is great for personal and collective development, it can also quickly become an exorbitant amount of stress.
Because the desire for a change shares a fine line with the sizable range of ambitions, this can easily become a burden for INFP-Ts. The pressure and responsibilities result in a great deal of unnecessary and unavoidable stress.
#10 Thinking is their thing
INFP-Ts think a lot and very often. And, as you would expect, too much load in this role only creates more stress. The whole process could be smooth, but the constant search for fulfillment causes some tension.
Therefore, it is natural that thoughts like: “How am I acting?”, “How can I interact with other people?” or “What do they think about that?” pops up in the INFP-T head.
Also, there is a concern to become better and help others, right? Before all this triggers any action, the turbulent mediator spends a lot of energy thinking step by step. The good thing is that a creative mind and thinking can always be helpful.
#11 Fertile imagination
An idealist needs to imagine and evaluate many scenarios. That is how they can see how things would turn out and how they are or not.
Their ability to wonder is actually a sense of vision that greatly helps the INFP-T get an idea and achieve brilliant results. We can consider that this resourcefulness and vision are the results of a fertile imagination – which seems to be very functional for this personality type.
In the end, the turbulent mediator will still look at their creative works, think about them a lot (of course), and see how their creations manage to impress themselves and others.
#12 Connects, but does not always cling
As we have already mentioned, the turbulent mediator is good at creating connections and expanding its network of contacts. But make no mistake. That does not mean they will often deepen those connections.
We want to say that it takes them a lot of encouragement and time to create something profound and make real friendships. Being emotionally open is immutable, yet they are low profile by nature.
Creating new friendships on the first date is not very common for them. Despite all the empathy, what prevails is the selectivity to choose their closest friends.
As these relationships are the most significant ones and are from where INFP-Ts draw the opinions that impact their lives, they handpick each one carefully.
#13 They cannot be considered lazy
Although turbulent mediators consider themselves lazy, this is something they are not. This opinion may be heavily tainted by the self-oppression they auto-inflict. But the truth is that this personality type works hard to make up for any of their weaknesses. You cannot always strive to improve and be lazy at the same time.
#14 They know how to put shyness to rest
All the shyness and nature reserve of every INFP-T disappears when they decide to thrive in workplaces, especially if the role requires contact and mediation with other groups.
Therefore, they do well in professions such as Journalist, Social Worker, Counselor, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Therapist, and HR Specialist.
#15 They are good listeners
The constant search for the opinion of others and the fact that they are so empathetic makes the turbulent mediators great listeners. This personality type is always ready to pay attention to what other people are saying. Whether for their own benefit or just to help others.
So, did you identify with any of the information? Maybe it is still too early to know, but most importantly, with all that said, you already know the main secrets of the INFP-T personality. Does it differ much from INFP-A? Read on and find out!
Secrets of INFP-A personality type
#16 They are good listeners too
Like INFP-T, INFP-A is also a great listener. It is part of their essence to care about others. However, the two personalities take what the other has to say differently.
In the case of the assertive mediator, they understand and intend to listen to what someone says, but they do not value this feedback so much that they completely change their vision.
#17 Nothing better than feeling good on their own skin
INFP-As are masters at being comfortable being themselves. There is nothing so common for its assertive nature and nothing more different from an INFP-T.
Assertive mediators need to listen to other people’s opinions, but this will hardly convince them to change their minds. Probably because they make peace with their faults and criticisms rather than overvalue them.
As a result, this personality type is seen as one who feels very good in their own skin and prefers to read themselves as the protagonist of their life and decisions.
#18 The true definition of an optimist
Assertive mediators prefer to look on the bright side. It’s that personality whose idealistic vision, inherent in the mediating personality, paints pleasant scenarios about both situations and people.
Seeing things more as good – a common view of the assertive personality – goes with all the idealism, so the feeling that everything will be fine is predominant.
#19 Mistakes are not that relevant
While turbulent mediators are fixated on criticisms and failures, assertive mediators virtually ignore them. In other words, INFP-As are at the other end of the extreme, far from caring so much about their own mistakes.
Of course, this can be good or bad, depending on the situation. But the truth is, they do not mean it. The idea is not to ignore the flaws but to accept them so that you can quickly focus on more positive things.
All the negativity thinking about failures can usually bring is something that just doesn’t go with them. It is much more attractive to think of all the ways they can improve and focus on the positive – which explains why these people seem to take things less seriously and lightly. This is how they see themselves and improve.
#20 The good side of life (of thoughts too)
One cannot say that assertive mediators are not self-critical. However, everything they do, especially when referring to themselves, has much less weight to it.
It is characteristic of the personality to try to lighten the load so that it does not hurt or blind them to the point where they can’t see the good in things or think more positively about them.
Want an example of this? If you were an INFP-T and found it boring, you would wonder who would share this opinion or would take this unique feature truly seriously.
#21 Your intention to improve would be focusing on that “failure” until there is a change
If you were an INFP-A and felt the same way, you would accept the traits you noticed and focus on those that could make you better. Your intention to improve would be to focus on what you believe is positive.
This prettier way of looking at things helps the assertive mediator to think better about themselves and the people around them.
#22 Clearly self-confident
All the optimism and the fact of not overestimating the opinion of others is the result of a very expressed self-confidence of this personality. When confronted, for example, they don’t worry or stress as much as the turbulent mediators.
All because assertive people are sure that things will work out and they will achieve their goals in that situation. But since everything is a matter of balance, a sense of trust can be dysfunctional when they are not careful.
If that self-confidence turns into disregard for issues that need to be resolved, it tends to bite them in the future.
#23 It is the soul of the group
What would a game be without cheerleaders or quarterbacks? It is like an essential piece of the set was missing, right?! This same feeling happens when an INFP-A is not in the group.
Their role is usually to encourage and lead the groups, and this personality is usually very good at that. Such efficiency probably comes from their famous sense of self-confidence, as well as the confidence they place in their teammates.
Together, things tend to go the way the assertive mediator planned. When they set a goal, they do what they want, and in the way they want and, for that, they are not afraid to express their opinion.
#24 The not-so-good part of leading groups
There is no reason to oppose the importance of the INFP-A in a group. While they often handle situations excellently, some burdens that come with the role are not so easy to deal with for this personality type.
It turns out that working with the weaknesses and strengths of team members can be really tricky. Added to all the confidence and positivity that they pour into their teammates, it is complex to delineate more concrete goals and expectations. It turns out that everyone is extremely motivated, but, deep down, there is almost no clear direction to be followed.
#25 A small problem with emotions
Assertive mediators are less able to control their emotions. That would be the “bad” part of not devoting a second thought to other people’s comments and feedback.
Not caring so much about what others think does not set an example for assertive mediators to express their feelings to others. To outsiders, this behavior can sound like coldness or neglect. This can also happen within a romantic relationship.
#26 The only regret what they did not do
It is part of every mediating personality to be more resilient. The ability to keep learning and get up after a fall is inspiring. Add this to the fact that the assertive personality is a bottomless pit of safety. As a result, we can get on with life without getting caught up in the bumps along the way.
The flaws and pitfalls of every walk are no reason to repent or martyr themselves. Instead, each learning becomes a little more trustworthy for the assertive mediator. Thus, they have more freedom to feel and do things and less time to regret them.
#27 They know the power of being low profile and silent
The assertive mediator tends to have a more withdrawn and silent behavior. Of course, they will often appear to be extremely outgoing, with a spirit of leadership, and always ready to share their ideas. However, its essence will still be quite low profile as it is the nature of the personality.
If you are looking to make friends with someone with this personality type, this part can prove difficult, especially as their quiet tendency makes it difficult to get to know them more deeply.
All of this is combined with the fact that they will not expose themselves or talk openly about what they feel most intimately. While this may be a problem for you, it is far from the same for INFP-A. They are ok with themselves and perfectly content to be themselves with no one needing to support this decision.
#28 Being alone is being in their best company
As we mentioned earlier, assertive mediators really know how to appreciate themselves. Not only are they extremely comfortable being themselves, they feel great about being with their own.
This makes a lot of sense since what others think or say is not of much value to them. Features like this show how this personality appreciates the freedom to be who they are and are not judgmental.
#29 Criticism is easily forgotten
INFP-As’ self-confidence means that they do not need much criticism from third parties. It is like they don’t need to take the idea that other people have of them so seriously, mainly because they already have an idea of what they believe to be the truth.
Of course, there is always an openness to listen and respect the criticism and feedback that people insist on distributing, however, this has little value in the life of the assertive mediator.
This will not be able to change their idea of themselves or their strong opinions. That is how they usually preserve themselves from all negativity. Only exaggeration can lead to arrogance.
#30 Asking for help can be very difficult
Even though the assertive mediator really needs help with something, it can be incredibly hard for them to take action to ask for help.
The biggest source of this is stubbornness, and we can see that it is at an unhealthy level. This further contributes to the arrogance factor we talked about earlier.
#31 Not so good at detecting problems
It is normal for INFP-A to keep their feelings to themselves. When this joins your sunny and optimistic nature, what we call “fog” happens.
The person lives in a state where everything is assumed to be ok, not ready to see the bright side of things, and if there is something wrong, little is done to externalize their feelings about it.
This tendency turns into neglect and these people become almost unable to detect real problems.
Do you imagine these two subdivisions would be so different from each other? Turbulent mediators and assertive mediators live at two extremes, and yet they can meet at specific points.
We hope that understanding how both works can help you to better deal with yourself and the people around you.
So, which one do you identify the most? Do you know someone who has any of these characteristics? Use the comments to reply or to leave your questions! And if you like the content, be sure to come back to check our news!