The basic principles required for the survival of a company are no longer a secret. You can try similar methods on your own company and get positive results. Follow these expert tips to start and run a supplement company that goes beyond your dreams!
Every day, thousands of companies are formed and thousands of companies go bankrupt. What is the difference between them?

30 Tips to Start and Run a Supplement Company
Thanks to these 30 tips we have prepared for both beginners and those who want to improve their business, you will reach your goals more easily.
#1 Selecting a Product
The company is not established first and then the product is determined. Do not set up a company for anything because you do not know how long it will take for you to determine the product and reach the stage to produce it.
The fact that the product you have chosen is already selling does not mean that you can sell it. Those who enter the market beforehand do not come to you because they gain the trust of customers. Your starting product should give quick results and can generate sufficient profits.
Your first product should be able to sustain you for a while until you acquire new products. Selling a new product is not the same as selling a product that has been on the market for years.
#2 Your Potential Customers
In general, the other factor to be considered at the stage of determining the product is who the buyer of the product is. Can you appeal to that audience? With which feature will your product make a difference to other products?
If you do not understand the language of customers, your entrepreneurial adventure will end early. You will need good observation and analysis skills. Because your time and capital should not be wasted.
#3 Competitive Products
The market is generally saturated with supplements. However, an innovation, a remarkable feature, can add value to you in an instant. You have to strive to stand out among other products on the market. It’s hard for people to change their habits, but you can find enough people to want to buy a new product.
#4 Pricing
In the supplement industry, cheap products mean unhealthy and poor quality products. If you think that you will be preferred by keeping the price low, you are wrong. Calculate your cost and set a really affordable price.
Nobody expects a product that offers great promise to be sold very cheaply. Let customers find it worth a try when they look at the price after reading the features of your product. Our advice to you is to find a price range that people will not have trouble paying all the time.
#5 Your Working System
After launching your product, you should work on finding customers, reducing expenses, and increasing the profit rate. The same promotion can’t work for every supplement product. You can discover it by trial and error method.
From the moment you find out what kind of system works, you should work by sticking to that system. Another important point is your flexibility in the system. If you stick to a method just because it worked once, you won’t be able to keep up with the developments in the market.
#6 What Do Customers Want?
When you ask customers what they want, the answers you get may not inspire you for a new product. Because they are not producers or entrepreneurs. They only focus on the higher quality and affordable price of existing products. It’s your job to produce.
After producing your product, instead of trying to attract attention with fancy or assertive words, try to come up with a product with a really distinctive feature at the beginning of the work. You will find that even your marketing becomes much easier. You will also strengthen your image for the future of your company.
#7 Manufacturers
Never settle for just one manufacturer. Before signing, be sure to review the documents they will present to you. Certifications are vital. Since the supplement system has been around for many years, customers are now much more careful than you think.
If the manufacturer you deal with is a company that is not well known among customers, your product will lose confidence. Keep researching patiently. When you get to the production stage, you will see that your research is worth it.
#8 Branding Phase
After the works related to the content and production of the product are completed, it is time for the visual part of the work. One of the most effective ways to gain trust is to have a visually high-quality product. You should work with professionals for all the images of your product, your logo, your website, the label on your product, and all your promotional activities that you can think of.
Customers have seen thousands of supplement product websites so far. You must have a design that can impress them and make them say they are doing their job well. A good design will be very effective in getting customers to give your product a chance.
#9 Legal process
Do not skip any work that you are legally required to do. If necessary, your product will be late or lose some money, but do not neglect the legal processes. The slightest negligence you will do may cause you to not be able to produce a product for life.
It is very important to establish your company suitable for the supplements you will sell and to obtain the right licenses and certificates. Do not forget to get detailed information from the consultants on this subject.
#10 Where will you sell your product?
It makes sense in the first place to put it on the internet and wait for the results. However, to stand out among thousands of products on the Internet, you must either have a large advertising budget or have very good connections.
Of course, your product must be available on the Internet, but you can also take your product to local stores, to begin with. Since the store may not have all the products on the internet, you are likely to attract attention among the products in the store.
#11 The Scientific Side of the Job
If you have not received training in fields such as biochemistry, biology, or physiology, you should definitely hire someone who has been trained in this field. Knowing about these issues is not enough to give people confidence. Just as a person cannot go into surgery by watching surgery videos on the internet and saying “my manual dexterity is good”, don’t try to make decisions by considering your intelligence and ability to be sufficient.
You must have a command of the scientific process on the production and effect of the product, especially for the marketing part, but you have to work with people who have received the training.
#12 FDA – US Food and Drug Administration
The FDA is where your nutritional supplements will be checked. Make sure you meet all the requirements before starting production. Even if you are working with a contract manufacturer, you should be familiar with the manufacturing, labeling, packaging, and storage-related substances specified by the FDA.
#13 Brochures – Flyers – Articles
Don’t wait for your product to be discovered. After leaving the production phase behind, get all your tools ready for promotion. Don’t just settle for promotional articles on the internet. Distribute promotional texts, flyers in A4, A5 size.
Reach out to companies that do what your product does. If you have made a weight loss product, arrange meetings with businesses that help people gain weight and promote your product.
#14 Following the Technology
Almost everyone is trying to package similar products differently and sell them in the market. Basically, the raw materials used and the result obtained from the product are always the same. We do not say not to use similar raw materials, but by following the latest technology, you can ensure that your product has different properties.
If you want to take full advantage of your advantages, such as being a good seller and having high persuasiveness, your product must be unique. Come out with such a product that it has the power to market itself.
#15 Packaging Design
It is no coincidence that the best products in the supplement industry have the most beautiful visuals. You should support the quality of your product with its design. People do not have the time and budget to try and experience all the new products one by one. Even if they have the time or the budget, no one would bother with such a thing.
Which one do you think they will choose from two products that say they have similar effects and at the same price? Of course, they will choose the one with good packaging. Working with a quality designer will have a huge impact on your sales.
#16 Insurance Policy
What will you do if your product has a negative impact on anyone? Although it is very rare, you may encounter such a situation. To protect yourself, you must agree with the insurance agent. You may spend your life in court due to the side effects that can be seen when everything is going well in the beginning.
#17 Keeping a Product in Stock
If you trust your product, you should have as much stock as you can. If you don’t trust a product enough to keep a lot of stock, don’t try to produce that product anyway. Instead of waiting for a product that is perfect but cannot reach, customers prefer to turn to a product of slightly lower quality but that they can find whenever they want. If your stocks are not enough, you will lose customers.
#18 Product Sales
Although it may seem very profitable to sell your products yourself, shipping them to retailers will save you much more money. Large retail chains do not want to work with you directly, but intermediary firms can deliver your products to these retail chains.
If you can place your products in large retail chains, you will both make a very good promotion and gain the trust of people.
#19 UPC – Universal Product Code
Using a UPC will cause retailers to take your business more seriously.
While the UPC will add an extra cost to your design, it will ensure that retailers have a positive impression of working with you.
#20 Certificate of Analysis
You must request a certificate of analysis for each batch of products produced. The problem that may occur in any batch of the products will trouble you for many years. Apart from the certificate provided by the manufacturer, you should have your products tested by independent institutions.
#21 Free Items for Promotion
One way to get retailers to accept your products is to give them free trial items. When they put the products in their stores, if they sell, they have to demand stock from you. If there is no sale, they will have nothing to lose because you give it for free. If you trust your product, you can think of it as a promotional budget and send free products at the beginning.
#22 Negative Reviews
If you look at other products on the internet, you will see that even the best product in the world gets a few negative comments. You can also use negative comments to gain customers and strengthen your image. Troubleshoot your customer’s problem for real and announce that the problem has been fixed on the other internet. You should create a customer service team that will not ignore any negative comments.
#23 Social Media
We are going through a period where if you are not on social media, it is perceived as if you do not exist in real life. If a company does not have social media accounts or is not managed professionally, it loses a lot of trust.
Now customers use their social media accounts when communicating with companies. Telephone and e-mail began to lag in terms of communication. That’s why you should choose the person who will manage your social media accounts, just like your designer.
#24 Division of Business
As a company owner, you are an entrepreneur who started with an idea that came to your mind. Your job is to manage the operation. You cannot manage the whole process from production to marketing, from design to customer relations on your own. Y
ou do not have enough time and energy to do business professionally in every subject. On the way to be a successful company, you must first divide the work and work with people who understand your idea.
#25 Business Management
Gradually, as your business begins to grow, you will have to add new people to your team. Convince people to work for your company, especially those who have experience in large companies.
People who have work experience in large companies set an example for other employees who have been with you since you founded the company. You can learn how to behave in a large company and how to be a corporate company from experienced employees.
#26 Managing the Team
First of all, you should make a detailed job description of everyone. Everyone should know what they should do in the company and what they should not interfere with. Good company management requires good organizational skills.
As the number of employees in the company increases, personal problems will arise from time to time. If you make the team respect each other, you won’t have to deal with all the problems yourself.
#27 Company Purpose
“Making and selling supplements” is not a professional statement for a corporate company. You cannot define your vision and mission in such an ordinary way.
As mentioned earlier in this tips for starting and running a supplement company post, a company must demonstrate that it is solution-oriented and innovative. He should tell people that he values them and works for a better life. Everyone from your employees to your customers, what you need to do as an entrepreneur should know that you have a great purpose.
#28 Time Management
As your company grows, time will not be enough for you. At first, you will try to deal with every job and all the details. Everyone who starts a new company is very energetic and enthusiastic. This is normal at first, but as things start to get busy, you need to prioritize your work. In fact, you should not be interested in some things at all so that you can spare time for more important things.
#29 Quick Fix of Errors
The slowest part to correct mistakes is layoffs. After hiring a candidate who has successfully passed the interview, if you see that you are not productive, fire him without thinking for a second. Both that person will find a new job as soon as possible and you will prevent the disruption of work.
There is no room for lingering in business. If your business goes bad and your company goes bankrupt, no one will come and work for free. Do not pay salaries to people who are useless to you.
#30 Work Only With Firms
Don’t try to find a freelancer to do your job. Make sure to contact the companies to get all your work done. You can defend your right as long as there is a company that will be your interlocutor. Of course, when you work with the company, you will have to pay a little more, but if you do not have enough capital to do your business, do not rush to establish a company.
You must take every step firmly so that none of your efforts go to waste. Bad steps can throw a great idea away.