In a relationship between two INFP personality types, there is good potential for a romantic match. However, these dreamers are idealists and tend to fantasize more about how something should be than living in the moment of what something is. So, how compatible is an INFP and INFP relationship?

People with INFP Myers-Briggs personality type indicators are our artists, poets, writers, and imaginers. They come across as quiet and shy and spend a lot of their time daydreaming. INFPs base their life choices on a search for a purpose or calling. They seek to help people and always try to do the right thing. They are spontaneous and don’t like to follow a structured plan.
12 Findings About INFP and INFP Relationship Compatibility for Male and Female
#1 First impressions
While INFPs are introverts, they are quite social. They enjoy spending time with others in small groups and are likely to reach out in an attempt to get to know someone else, rather than share their true selves right away.
While looking for a potential partner, they will have already had a well-thought-out idea of what that person is like, and when they meet that person, they will be excited to enter into a relationship with them.
#2 Emotional connection
INFPs truly care about other’s feelings. They will be looking for cues in their partner to understand how they are feeling and what their needs might be.
INFPs will never intentionally hurt the feelings of another person, let alone their romantic partner. They are kind, thoughtful, and generous and will have an easy time connecting on an emotional level with another INFP.
#3 Conversations and listening skills
Conversations between two INFPs would flow very easily. They are skilled listeners and would be open to sharing their thoughts and ideas with each other freely and openly.
INFPs are also very open-minded and this allows them to see things from their partner’s point of view and invite conversations on all kinds of topics and subjects. This is a great thing for these two usually very private people. They have good potential to open each other up.
#4 Fantasy vs reality
The biggest downfall of an INFP and INFP couple could be that both of these individuals have a tendency to have an idealistic and fantasized view of what their relationship should be like.
They might idealize their partner to force the relationship to feel more meaningful than it actually might be. This, combined with their tendency to have a strong devotion to the people in their lives, can lead to them being in the wrong relationship for a long time.
#5 Setting goals
INFP’s goals center around “the big picture”, and as dreamers, they will have no shortage of goals in mind. Where a couple comprising of two INFPs might be challenged is in turning those goals into reality.
They have a tendency to struggle to make decisions and take actions toward goals, and this could result in frustration from their partners. It could also lead to a very like-minded couple being stagnant in their situations.
#6 Conflicts and resolutions
People with INFP personalities dislike conflict. They will make accommodations to avoid a conflict, even putting their own needs and happiness at-risk. They will focus on the positive aspects of a relationship and push happiness further than it is meant to go.
Eventually, when the conflict reaches its apex and it has built up more than they can bear, the issue has now become something enormous and what could have been a simple resolution now may be disastrous for the relationship.
#7 Organization
INFPs do not like routine or structure and are likely to be a little disorganized. They are not too concerned with the upkeep of their physical space, as long as they have the space they need to create and dream.
While it might be messy to some people’s standards, INFPs in a couple might be more willing to let the daily upkeep of their spaces fall behind slightly as long as they are fulfilled emotionally and creatively.
#8 Core values
INFPs will make strong connections with each other when it comes to their core values. They are very likely to find common ground in foundations of kindness, doing what is right by the world, and even in raising children to be altruistic and kind.
Regarding the way they live their day-to-day lives and the causes they are apt to get behind, INFPs are very compatible with each other.
#9 Honesty and trust
INFPs are very romantic, and very devoted partners. They are unlikely to do anything overt that would hurt their partners. Overall, they have the potential to be very trustworthy.
However, they also hide or embellish truths to avoid hurting feelings or starting conflicts, and as a result, are likely to tell “white lies”. This behavior can erode a relationship over time.
In an INFP and INFP relationship, both partners need to be open and honest about how they are feeling, even if they risk temporarily starting a conflict.
#10 Overthinking decisions
According to the Myers-Briggs Foundation, making decisions as an INFP can be a frustrating process. They have a tendency to overthink, over-analyze, and try to consider all options. When in relationships with other personality types, INFPs might rely on their partner to make decisions for the couple, but in an INFP and INFP couple, this might be challenging.
When neither party are able to make easy decisions, it can be very frustrating for everyone involved, and this would cause a couple to clash.
#11 Energy and rest
While they feel comfortable in social situations, and love being a part of small close-knit groups, INFPs also love alone time. When they need to recharge their batteries, spending a night in with their partners would be exactly what they need.
An INFP couple would enjoy spending time together cooking or baking, gardening, or playing music. They also like to spend time alone, and they would be drawn to activities like reading, writing, yoga, and playing video games.
This couple will know when their partner needs time out in a social group, needs quality time spent between the two of them, and when they need to spend time alone. They are sensitive and understanding and very compatible in this regard.
#12 Being spontaneous
As previously noted, INFPs dislike structure and routine. These personalities become eager to break out of their mundane day-to-day lives and look to make spontaneous plans.
They are very compatible with each other in this regard because their lives will certainly never be boring, and will always have something fun and fresh happening.
As a couple, an INFP and INFP have the potential to do well and thrive as a romantic couple. There are some aspects of this relationship that have the potential to derail it. In an INFP and INFP relationship, both partners need to be open and honest about how they are feeling and need to be willing to make efforts toward achieving their goals and making tough decisions.