Looking at the cognitive functions of ESFJ (Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) personality types will explain many tendencies of these social, caring, and structured people.
Inspired by the work of Carl Jung, World War II, and the idea that less conflict would result from people understanding each other better, Katherine Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers developed the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicators.

There are 16 distinct personality types identified with this self-reported test, each with cognitive functions that can help one understand oneself and others better.
12 ESFJ Cognitive Functions Explained
1. Thinking as an Introvert
The introverted thinking function of the ESFJ is the weakest of their primary functions. It relates to how they interact with stimuli from the world around them. People with this cognitive function desire to have things make sense around them.
Their understanding of how the world works is based on logic and relating to similar experiences in their lives. They are also excellent problem-solvers and look for efficient solutions.
They agree with “work smarter, not harder” approaches to accomplishing tasks and can become frustrated when working with perceptively inefficient people.
2. Sensing as an Introvert
Introverted sensing is the second strongest of the cognitive functions exhibited by ESFJs. It relates to how they understand information and works in conjunction with their introverted thinking function.
Their learning is reliant on their introverted sensing. It helps them to observe data and store it away for future use. ESFJs are very caring about other people, and their introverted sensing helps them learn about those around them.
Their observations about others allow them to build the friendships and connections that make them so popular. It also helps them to understand and later predict the social outcomes of their behavior. Since ESFJs care deeply about what others think of them, this is a helpful tool.
3. Extroverted Feeling
The primary/dominant cognitive function of EFSJs is extroverted feeling. They can make quick and accurate conclusions about the feelings and emotions of others. They will also openly share their thoughts, feelings, and emotions with others.
As a result, they have excellent intuition about the real motivations and intentions of others and can usually trust their first impressions.
While this function can be helpful, especially in situations where personal safety might be a concern, it has a negative side. ESFJs can come across as harsh and judgemental because they are so quick to make assessments of others.
4. Extroverted Intuition
The tertiary function of ESFJs balances their introverted sensing function. This function helps people with recognizing patterns and making connections. It allows for creative thinking and seeing things from a few different perspectives.
Because of their desire to work efficiently, ESFJ people use their extroverted intuition to assist in developing improved methods. At the same time, ESFJs are reasonably traditional and rule-abiding.
Although they can think of many options and ways of doing things, they will stay in their lane and be mindful of the “proper” way to accomplish something.
5. People Pleasers
ESFJ people like to ensure that those around them are happy and cared for. They make excellent romantic partners and parents because they are very attentive and loving. They enjoy being of service and contributing to a project or goal.
ESFJs usually behave with the intention of making those around them happy. They take their relationships, platonic and romantic, very seriously and avoid conflict with those groups as much as possible.
They want validation for their actions, and recognizing ESFJs’ efforts positively will do wonders for their sense of self-satisfaction.
6. In Charge of the Situation
Resulting from their steadfast adherence to rules and traditions, ESFJ people believe in hierarchical order. They will try to position themselves at or near the top of the hierarchy. They will use their sense of authority to control a situation and reach the desired goal of the group.
Their natural leadership abilities will help them to keep things organized and stable. For most members of the group, this will work well. ESFJs make great coaches or captains of sports teams and often find careers in managerial roles.
They can be a little bit inflexible about changes to the status quo. However, if they remember that suggestions to try new things do not reflect themselves, they can be convinced.
7. Supportive
Part of the reason ENFJ people are so popular and why they make such great parents and partners is that they are very supportive. They are happy to step in and deliver a pep-talk or to be a shoulder to cry on.
They love to see those around them be happy, and they are more than willing to offer whatever they can to help others be happy. They are often singled out as leaders, not only because they prefer to be in control but also because they do a great job supporting a team.
They can be a steady source of comfort and strength for everyone around them.
8. Popular and Likable
Forgive the repetitiveness, but popularity is a strong identifying marker of an ESFJ personality type. They care very deeply about what other people think of them.
Think of the John Mulaney stand-up joke: “When I walk down the street, I need everybody, all day long, to like me so much. It’s exhausting. My wife said that walking around with me is like walking around with someone who’s running for mayor of nothing.”
Their popularity, social status, and social statuses of those they surround themselves with is their priority. To their benefit, they also are very observant of others and build emotional connections very quickly. So although they have a desire to be popular, they often become popular genuinely based on their natural attributes.
9. Reliable
As loyal and traditional people, ESFJ people are unabashedly reliable. They are happy to be of service and complete any task asked of them. ESFJs are very dependable romantic partners and will be loyal, trustworthy, and take the relationship seriously.
They prefer to be in long-term relationships and very rarely date casually. The same goes for their friends and family. ESFJs make excellent confidants and can be trusted with sensitive information.
Their reliability can be attributed to their deep sense of caring for others. They will never do anything that will negatively affect those they love.
10. Sensitive to Criticism
While ESFJs are quick to judge others, they are also quick to judge themselves. As a result, they can struggle with self-confidence, and they take criticism to heart. They are very sensitive to the suggestion that they have done something wrong or that there might be a better way than the way they have suggested.
They tend to see disagreements as personal criticisms and can have strong reactions. Their strong desire to be liked plays a heavy role in their sensitivity to critique. While most ESFJ people will struggle with this early in their lives, their perspectives can change as they age and mature, and they can learn not to take things as personally and react as strongly.
11. Altruistic
ESFJ people like to do what is right. While it is easy to assume that this is a function of their need to be liked, it is actually a product of their empathy and emotional connections. That being said, everyone has a different perspective on what is “right.”
Since not all people see the same actions or end goals as being “right,” this can lead to conflicts. ESFJs’ altruism guides their choices and leads them to make decisions set on precedent, traditions, and morality. They will not be willing to participate in anything they perceive as immoral or unethical. ESFJs have a strong sense of duty and will be steadfast in their defense of it.
12. Harmonious
Like many “feeling” personality types, ESFJs prefer a peaceful environment. They do not like to be in conflicts or confrontations. They will avoid an issue until it is no longer avoidable. Their strong need to be liked and to have a high social standing also plays a part in their need for peace.
It is not possible to be loved by everybody around you if you are also in conflict with them. However, they are also good at making emotional connections and will be able to resolve issues quickly.
Most conflicts with ESFJs are externally sourced and are likely to stem from their judgemental tendencies, their inflexibility, and their perception of social status.
In looking at the cognitive functions of our Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging ESFJs, we see where their behaviors come from. These are loyal, trustworthy, traditional, stable, fun-loving, likable people. They will be the life of the party and will also be there for you whenever you need them.
They make great partners and enter into relationships with the intention of marriage and starting a family. Their parenting skills are an outstanding balance between authority and tradition and a fun-loving, caring devotion. It is no mystery why ESFJ people are so popular!