Is there a possibility for compatibility between two Myers-Briggs personality types that seem like polar opposites on the surface? ENTPs like to tell it like it is and can sometimes be insensitive to the feelings of others. INFPs hold on to an idealized, romantic perspective of the world. Can ENTP and INFP personalities find compatibility in a relationship?
People with ENTP Myers-Briggs personality type indicators have a thirst for knowledge and a flexible thought process. They love brainstorming on how they can solve problems and tend to be quick thinkers. They have enormous amounts of energy, enthusiasm, charisma, and tend to draw people in with their confidence.

INFPs are the artists, poets, writers, and imaginers in our lives. They can be quiet and shy, and spend a lot of time daydreaming. They are always in search of a calling, or higher purpose, and seek to do the right thing. They love spontaneity and can be quite adventurous.
9 Conclusions about ENTP and INFP Relationship Compatibility
#1 First impressions
ENTPs are energetic and charismatic. They are the life of the party and will draw people to them. They will take the time to express their feelings and get to know people before committing to a relationship, but will not struggle to meet new people.
INFPs are introverts but tend to be very social. They enjoy spending time with others in small groups and are likely to reach out to get to know someone else. They don’t like to share their true selves right away, but they won’t shy away from a good conversation.
These two may struggle to connect if the ENTP is looking to get into a deep, personal conversation right away. INFPs need a previously-established relationship before they are comfortable sharing deeply personal things.
#2 Differing perspectives
ENTPs have a logical and rational thought process. Even though they can be flexible with their thinking and are open-minded, they still think in terms of facts and evidence.
As “feeling” personalities, INFPs perceive the world with a sensitive and emotional approach. They are likely to view the world with rose-colored glasses and may struggle when faced with a harsh reality.
Both are open-minded and flexible thinkers. If their different viewpoints can be understood by their partner, there should be no cause for major conflict.
#3 Emotional connection
Connecting emotionally is something that an ENTP will struggle with. They tend to think more objectively and can prioritize being “right” over the emotional needs of their partners.
INFPs on the other hand, connect on an emotional level with others very easily. They truly care about other’s feelings and will put their partner’s emotional needs over their own.
In an ENTP and INFP relationship, the ENTP will have to be careful about how they approach sensitive subjects with their partner.
#4 Conversations
ENTPs might tend to take over a conversation if they aren’t careful. Again, their need to be “right” might get in the way of friendly conversation, and they can sometimes come off as argumentative.
INFPs are open-minded, good listeners, but they can also be private and may not wish to fully participate in a deep, personal conversation. They are also sensitive and may recoil from a conversation where their partner is being argumentative.
ENTPs need to remember not to take over conversations so their INFP partners feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and opinions too.
#5 Core values
Like all thinking personalities, ENTPs value knowledge, reason, and efficiency. They also dislike being thrust into situations that are highly structured or traditional. ENTPs love having the freedom to behave in whatever way they deem correct and efficient.
INFPs value kindness, creativity, and imaginativeness. They desire to pursue their calling and will appreciate the freedom to follow it.
In a relationship, these two both value freedom and open-mindedness. There is a good opportunity for compatibility when it comes to their core values.
#6 Goals for the better
According to the Myers-Briggs Foundation, ENTPs want to improve the world. Their desire to make improvements in the world is a function of reaching optimal efficiency via the most logical strategy.
Although they share the goal of improving the world, their motivation is a function of their desire to end the suffering of others, and putting other’s needs ahead of their own.
Although the reason for making improvements is coming from a different place, their end goal is the same, and there is a good chance these two will see eye-to-eye on a lot of things.
#7 Conflict and resolution
In a conflict, ENTPs will seek a logical resolution. They will attempt to discover who is right, or worse, try to prove themselves right, rather than consider a compromise.
INFPs dislike conflict and will avoid it by putting their own needs and happiness at risk. They will try to focus on the good, and ignore the bad until it becomes overwhelming.
When in a conflict, an ENTP will need to remember to employ understanding and good listening skills, and an INFP will need to bring up issues before they become an irrationally large issue.
#8 Empathy
While ENTPs are not intentionally unempathetic, they prioritize being rational and this can impede them when it comes to understanding how others are feeling.
INFPs are very empathetic and have no challenge knowing how their partners are feeling, and what actions they can take to support those feelings.
In a relationship, an ENTP might be more focused on how their partner should (logically) be feeling, rather than listening and understanding how they actually feel.
#9 Energy and rest
ENTPs are energetic and social. They will feel a boost from surrounding themselves with intellectual people, and their charisma will help them to build a good group of friends to spend time with.
INFPs are also social but prefer a smaller group to spend time with. They also are primarily introverted and will get an energy boost from creative activities like reading, writing, or cooking.
As long as the ENTP can understand when their INFP partner might need to spend a night in alone, they will be very compatible in terms of how they recharge their batteries as a couple.
Although ENTPs and INFPs have different perspectives on how they understand the world around them, they can be very compatible in a relationship as long as they can learn to understand and listen to one another.