At a glance, the INFP and INTP personality types seem very similar. They share the following similarities: introversion, intuition, and perceiving. So what do these qualities mean? In this INFP vs INTP compatibility analysis, we will dive deep into the characteristics of both personality types.
Typically both personality types will be quite unique individuals who stick by their values and morals and they tend to be quite confident in who they are. So how do you tell the two apart? Let us explore the twelve essential differences between the INFP and the INTP.

12 Vital Differences About INFP vs INTP Compatibility
#1 How Open They Are to Others’ Opinions
When it comes to the opinions of others, both personalities are similar in that they will listen. Unlike an INTP however, an INFP is not likely to change its opinion once it has been made.
An INFP is completely open to hearing what an opposing side might say and will not try to conjure arguments over an opinion but they will stay static on their stance.
As for the INTP personality, it is possible to change their mind if there is logic to back up an opinion. Although it might be quite rare because an INTPs opinion will already be backed by logic, it can still occur where someone can present even better logic.
Unlike the INFP who will not participate in arguments about opinions, INTPs will, especially because they thrive in forming logical viewpoints.
#2 How They See Worldviews
This trait is similar to the one previously mentioned, in that INFPs are not likely to change their worldviews especially because they are quite fixed when it comes to their values. The INTP personality type however isn’t as rigid and can adapt to other better worldviews should they present themselves.
They tend to be quite stubborn with their stances but an INFP will be more than willing to listen to another’s worldview but isn’t likely to make any drastic changes. An INTP can change worldviews on the basis that the new one presented is more practical or persuasive.
#3 How They Feel About Imagination
When it comes to using their imagination these two personality types are like day and night. The INFP relish in their vivid imagination whereas INFPs prefer to concerns themselves with the real and the non-fiction.
For example, the INFP will enjoy reading fiction stories about completely different worlds as long as they can relate to the characters and be entertained by the plot and moved emotionally.
The INTPs would be more interested in literature that has been well researched and is non-fiction. It is no secret that his personality enjoys practicality, and this is no different when it comes to what they like to indulge in when it comes to forms of entertainment.
#4 How They Approach Emotions
Ti, internal thinking, is the primary cognitive function in INTPs–meaning they make decisions and lead their life based on analysis and objectivity. Fe, external feelings, tends to be their least developed function meaning that they actually struggle to develop the qualities needed to deal with emotions early on.
When comparing the two, INFPs are the complete opposite when it comes to feelings. This personality type is more receptive to their emotions so they don’t really go on with life struggling to determine if life has meaning or not.
#5 What They Fear
To an INFP the most previous relationships are with friends and family and losing these relationships for whatever reason is one of their biggest fears. They dread drifting apart and having conflict come between their relationships and take it quite hard when any of their relationships are severed.
As for the INTP personality, their fear lies in the idea of being lost in life, wandering without a set purpose. They hate the idea of wasting their time and their potential. In an attempt to mask this fear they might come off as superior and condescending as they will attempt to demonstrate how they are better than other people.
#6 How They Perform Under Stress
The actions that these personality types take when under stress differ greatly. When under a great amount of stress an INTP is likely to have an outburst of anger or tears from the overwhelming feeling of it all.
As mentioned earlier in this INFP vs INTP compatibility analysis, stress hinders their ability to trust those around them causing them to often isolate themselves from individuals in their lives that could probably help them.
As for an INFP personality, they will try to deflect any indication that there is a stress factor in their life. They will take on any distraction rather than face the stress head-on.
From the outside it might look like an INFP thrives in stress, they will try to over-work themselves and overcompensate but in reality, this personality is trying their best to avoid the situation altogether.
#7 What Their Work Ethic Is Like
Now, from the previous point, it can be inferred that INFPs have a solid work ethic. This personality type has no problem fully immersing themselves into their work when necessary. At times this can be a form of deflection for stress but other times, it is just their pure dedication to their work.
As for their counterpart, it is more likely for an INTP to do whatever is necessary to be done. They won’t go above and beyond but they will accomplish what is needed to support themselves financially.
#8 How They Approach Anger
Anger is not an emotion that both personalities like to experience but when they do, both prefer to keep that side to themselves.
To an INTP it is important to address their anger at the moment, if their anger goes ignored it is likely that they will have an outburst. They do typically however like to process their anger and any residing feelings in private.
INFPs are more familiar with anger but only because they can be quite emotional individuals. Similar to the INTP they will keep their anger private but for different reasons. This personality type doesn’t wish to burden those around them with this negative emotion.
#9 How They Approach Decision Making
It must be made clear that both personality types struggle with making decisions, but the reasons behind that struggle are different. INTPs will often struggle to decide because they will dwell on the possibilities that every action might have.
It can be quite overwhelming but they fear that they will make the wrong decision and cause problems for themselves.
The INFP will struggle to make decisions because they like to take everyone who might be affected into account. They want to make the decision that will benefit the most people and therefore do not make rash decisions. They are more concerned with a decision hurting someone else rather than themselves.
Although both types are concerned with hurting when making decisions, it is who they are concerned for that makes the distinction.
#10 How They Care for Appearance
The amount of time and effort they curate into their appearance speaks volumes for these personality types. To an INTP, comfort is most important however they will still want to look put together. Oftentimes how much effort goes into their appearance varies as it depends on their mood day to day.
As for the INFP personality, they make their appearance as an opportunity to self-express themselves. Depending on the occasion they might put more effort into their appearance but on a regular day, they will trust the clothes in their closet to make a statement.
#11 How They Approach Happiness
For an INTP finding happiness can actually be quite difficult if they forget to look outside themselves. Sometimes this personality type becomes so fixated on their own thoughts that they can actually lose sight of their purpose.
Typically this personality can find happiness from working towards a career they truly enjoy or pursuing interests that intrigue them.
As for the INFP they tend to dwell on their own weaknesses which can hinder their happiness however, they attempt to be happy by being left alone particularly so they can seek their own endeavors.
#12 How They Approach Friendships
Both INTP and INFPs need time in order to evolve trustworthy relationships. Both also tend to have and prefer a small circle of friends in which they can confide, and this is most likely due to both personalities being introverts.
They differ in that INTPs actually struggle when it comes to communication and their emotions–they can be quite distant. They need friends that understand them and their behavior.
As for an INFP, they can be quite social but maintain a small circle. That being said, despite a small circle the INFP is great at making friends and acquaintances.
Overall, it is apparent that the two personality types are quite similar even when discussing their differences.
One must look at the nuances when attempting to distinguish an INTP from an INFP. Both personality types are great at standing their ground when it comes to their values but are known to be open to hearing new perspectives.
That being said they both also seem to be independent individuals that don’t really seek approval from others for the sake of fitting in.