The INFJ personality type is known to be nice due to their concern to look nice and please people around them. Behind this, there is the fact that they avoid at all costs any kind of conflict, clash, or unpleasant situations. We dive deep into important characteristics of INFJ personality type in this post.
MBTI types are a system that defines typologies like the INFJ and other Myers-Briggs personality types. The definitions are according to the cognitive functions and shadow functions of each set.
In this article, we have explained the 10 characteristics of the INFJ personality type.

We have considered personal preferences, the order of these preferences as dominance, and the description of elements considered negative in this personality type.
So, read on and find out more about it!
10 Important Characteristics of INFJ Personality Type
#1 Introverted Intuition (Ni)
This dominant function explains how the INFJs visualize themselves internally. Because it is a function of dominance and speaking of the inner world of that personality, it influences how the person interprets the information and draws conclusions from it.
But this power of interpretation is not just about personal issues. INFJs use this feature to perceive, find patterns and apply symbolism to certain events or people around them, even if at first they seem to have no connection.
This explains why it is an intuition-based function. It also clarifies the feeling that INFJs understand as a constant change in their inner world. But that does not affect its power from the outside.
In short, they have control over the perception of their future because of the connections and interpretations they make.
#2 Extraverted Feeling (Fe)
When talking about INFJs emotions and interpersonal interactions in their daily lives, the Extraverted Feeling (Fe) is the function in evidence. The two aspects have a connection in this function for the INFJ: because they tend to consider and understand their emotions as responses to interpersonal interactions in their daily life.
All this configures a more intense inner emotional life and, consequently, more developed as well. The result in practice makes the INFJs extremely empathetic.
#3 Introverted Thinking (Ti)
The name of this third function explains the logic, value judgment, and thought processing of the INFJ. Because it is introverted thinking, the entire process is internal.
Including the intuitive conclusions that are personal traits of the INFJs depart from this internal process through a logic developed through their own experiences.
But this function does not walk alone as it is directly linked to the Ni function. It turns out that Ti is responsible for understanding the raw forms that Ni brings to the discussion.
#4 Extraverted Sensing (Se)
The fact that INFJs have more internally focused processes makes the fourth and last function the least developed of the set.
It is about the awareness of the surroundings in a more material way, that is, through physical sensations themselves.
Taking this into account, there are two ways of interpreting the outside world for most INFJs: either they perceive the world as very exciting, or they perceive it as extremely stressful.
Despite the “underdevelopment”, the If function is essential in moments of personal crisis. It becomes the escape valve from the inner world to make it possible to explore more tactile factors.
But how does this work when we think of the opposite extreme? Shadow functions talk about this concerning one’s dominant personality functions. Therefore, they tend to cause strangeness both for those who see from the outside and for those who live from the inside. Want to understand better? Check the shadow functions below!
#5 Extraverted Intuition (Ne)
By definition, the greatest strength of the shadow is precisely the fact that it is in the unconscious. In the case of the Ne function, it is unconscious and manifests its potency when it needs to defend itself.
Generally, this defense is linked to the protection of their ideas, beliefs, or opinions, especially when they go through some confrontation. This kind of situation generates anger and denial in these people.
All the eagerness to prove a point of view can lead to speeches that seem confused, hypocritical, or meaningless.
The situation as a whole is a defense mechanism. When, in fact, they feel overwhelmed by the unrestrained release of third-party interpretations and perspectives.
#6 Introverted Feeling (Fi)
As with the role explained above, Fi has a strong awareness and opinion of their values and beliefs. However, the feeling that operates is predominantly negative towards this.
This explains why these people are so indecisive and fickle about things that demand a lot of stimuli. Like their own personality, their feelings, their thinking, and their concepts about things.
As such, they believe the most logical solution is to repress such stimuli. In other words, no work on your feelings, thoughts, personality, or concepts.
The only contact with these elements comes critically and fraught with concern about what others might be thinking or feeling.
#7 Extraverted Thinking (Te)
The Te function is required in situations that resemble games. This is because another opinion or another person is seen as an opponent. In this sense, Te engages in combat to use facts and logic from the outside world to make decisions.
This function usually takes the field to take over when the INFJ senses something is trying to take advantage of it.
This behavior may sound cold, calculated, and harsh to outsiders, and it takes a moment for the INFJ to see it the same way and may regret doing so. However, in the act, INFJs believe that the opponent deserved this treatment.
In the end, they have negative attitudes because the personality tends to distort or misunderstand other people’s intentions.
#8 Introverted Sensing (Si)
The Si function is practically an internal tangle. Because it is the most repressed by the unconscious, it also takes the place of the one that the INFJs have the least control over.
When making a judgment, this personality type considers memories of old experiences, more precisely in negative contexts.
Therefore, there is imprisonment in past traumas, mistakes that were not forgiven, unhappy situations, etc., and even situations remembered in a more negative way than what actually happened. As an aggravating factor, all this strongly and negatively influences the judgments made.
Actions are clouded by a focus on past failures and negative beliefs so they can reach others in imprecise, confusing, and meaningless ways.
Although these 08 functions are the main functions of the INFJ personality type, they are not the only forms of presentation. Types can reach out to themselves and others in a combined and even more sarcastic way. Examples of this are in what you will see in the next topic!
#9 Cognitive axes based on functions
As mentioned, roles can combine and present themselves a little more atypically. A strong example of this is the combination of Ni and Se functions.
While one function is dominant, the other is inferior in the INFJ personality, but when they are together, these people tend to desire and intuit a comfortable and pleasurable future.
Another example is the combination of Fe and Ti functions. While one is auxiliary, the other is tertiary in the INFJ personality. But when together, they configure people who like to follow social parameters just because it is easier or more logical.
#10 Sarcastic functions
Sarcastic functions are a practical (and ironic) way of seeing how functions are applied.
Ni, for example, is so sarcastic that it borders on hypocrisy. It’s the definition of “do what I say, but don’t do what I do.” In this way, we are talking about a person who can give the best advice to everyone but is unable to follow his own teachings.
The Fe function would do very well as a surfer. You know you have to adjust to the wave if you don’t want to fall and swallow water, so these people tend to absorb whatever stimuli are around them. In fact, they are very empathetic, so whatever the other is feeling or going through, they will also feel an active part of it.
Ti is the bullet journal in person. Nothing out of place, nothing out of time, nothing out of line. Unless this is strategically designed to be outside of these elements, in other words, they are people who will certainly have their circumstances under control.
And lastly, the Se function is the elusive or procrastinating person. They can also be compared to cats that hide but keep their tails on sight.
In practice, these qualities come together as follows: you have several responsibilities and internal debates, but your fastest solution is to spend hours compulsively playing on your smartphone to avoid all that.
And so, do you identify with the INFJ personality type and situations? If you like this content and want to learn more about other MBTI types, browse our blog and check out the news!