On the surface, both INFJs and INTJs share a lot of similarities. In essence, they share introversion, intuition, and judging. We will dive deep into INFJ vs INTJ compatibility in this post.
Although their shared values may make them seem to be very similar types, they differ greatly in what they seek in friendships, how they respond to anger, and how they lead their life. Let us explore eleven critical differences that will determine whether someone is an INFJ or an INTJ.

The 11 Important Differences for INFJ vs INTJ Compatibility
#1 Private Thoughts versus Animated Debates
One of the main qualities that differentiate the INFJ and INTJ personalities is the belief of which opinions should be kept private and which should be discussed freely.
In an attempt to avoid any conflict the INFJ personality tends to lean towards keeping thoughts and values private and this is due to their thinking function being introverted. This means that the INFJ will typically avoid topics that might be considered controversial such as politics.
On the other hand, the INTJ personality doesn’t shy from sharing opinions or thoughts that might lead to an animated debate. The INTJ has an extroverted thinking function and therefore enjoys the evolution of ideas. This thinking function makes them apt for intaking criticism and disagreements quite well.
INFJs tend to either ease the tension or decide to remove themselves completely if things become too heated.
#2 Being Logical versus Emotional
Now, this isn’t to say that one or the other cannot be logical or emotional but these two types tend to lean one way more than the other. The INTJ personality tends to enjoy being practical whereas the INFJ is much more emotional.
The INTJ personality has Te, external thinking, as one of its primary functions and therefore is more objective than its counterpart. They prefer to look at all the details of any topic or situation.
The INFJ has a dominant feeling function which ultimately results in being attuned to their own emotions as well as others. With the feeling function being one of the primary ones, INFJs tend to have emotions that influence how they approach life and relationships, whether they be platonic or romantic.
So when the two personalities are compared, the INTJ individual will most likely approach something more logically and an INFJ individual will do so emotionally. That is not to say that an INTJ cannot be emotional and that an INFJ lacks logic.
#3 People or Concept Focused
It should come as no surprise, after reading the previous difference, that these personality types approach the future differently. Similar to how INFJs tend to follow feeling more than they do logic, they tend to be people-centered rather than focused on concepts. That being said, the INTJ tends to be centered around concepts.
The INFJ will focus on themselves which allows them to fully comprehend their emotions. Being logical individuals, INTJs will be concerned with being detail-oriented, which assists the way in which they decide to make decisions.
#4 If and When They Compromise
Based on the last two differences discussed, we have established the INFJs to be people-oriented and the INTJs as more concerned with logic and details. So, when it comes to compromising it should not be shocking to find out that INFJs will be more open to compromise, especially when compared to the INTJ.
The INFJ personality will do what they believe is best based on the emotions and motivation of a group, this proves to be beneficial when working with large groups. If they find it necessary, they will put others before themselves.
As for the INTJ, this personality is less likely to submit to the general consensus if they believe their own conclusions are far more logical. They are not concerned with abiding by what is expected but rather what they believe is to be correct.
#5 How They Communicate
As mentioned earlier in this INFJ vs INTJ compatibility post, both personalities are introverted however INTJs tend to struggle more than INFJs when it comes to communicating. INTJs are often focused on their own thoughts and new ideas that if they don’t feel the need to make small talk, they will not.
This personality type will also not care to go out of their way to waste time and effort on people they do not genuinely care about.
As for INFJs, they tend to thrive when it comes to communication. One of their top primary cognitive functions is extroverted feeling, which allows this personality type to flourish when it comes to communicating with a larger group or with an individual, it creates the space for a genuine connection.
It is important to note that both personality types will always prefer meaningful conversations with people rather than meaningless small talk.
#6 How They Intake Information
We have established that both personalities prefer deep conversations rather than meaningless ones and that is because they find joy in learning information for topics they are interested in. The way in which they become aware of information and how much they trust that source differs between the types.
An INFJ takes comfort in learning new information from an instructor, they trust that what they are learning is accurate and true. They tend to favor those who they trust or someone they believe to be qualified.
As for INTJs, they don’t take their information at face value. They will take it upon themselves to do a bit of their research to see what is true and what is not. Now, they will accept the information given by an instructor but not without questioning it first.
#7 How They Critique
It should come as no surprise that the INFJ personality is actually not all that critical. As discussed previously, this personality type has the primary function of extroverted feeling that allows them to be attuned to the emotions of those around them.
Their ability to empathize greatly softens their perception of others, and thus the INFJ is typically not able to provide criticism that is all that truthful or helpful. Their intention is never to cause someone emotional harm so they will avoid it.
As for the INTJ, they actually tend to be fairly critical. This personality lacks the connectedness to others’ emotions and thus has no problem providing critique at the expense of others–they do not attempt to spare someone’s feelings. To some, this might be too much to be around, but at least it guarantees that one will always know an INTJs true thoughts.
If someone wishes to receive honest critique, they are guaranteed to obtain that from an INTJ personality type.
#8 How They Approach Anger
Although both personalities share the commonality of rarely getting angry when they do, they approach it differently.
The INFJ is quite nurturing and gentle so it is rare for this personality type to get angry however when it does occur they typically are filled with doubt. They question whether they actually have any valid reasons for their anger. In any case, this type attempts to keep their anger hidden to avoid further conflict.
As for the INTJ, they like to keep their emotions quite sensible, however, if they do find themselves angry, they are not likely to hide it like the INFJ. Now, this doesn’t mean that they will participate in loud outbursts of anger, but they will ensure that whatever the situation may be, that their anger will be addressed.
In addition, if someone is showing anger towards them, they appreciate being confronted as they are quite comfortable with receiving criticism.
#9 How They Approach Friendships
As an introverted personality type, it is unlikely for INFJs to have large friend groups, they rather prefer a small group that is founded by deeper connections. Being that they are quite attuned to emotions, the INFJ will seek meaningful friendships.
As for the INTJ, it is not so simple. Due to their focus on being logical sometimes, they lose touch with their feeling function which can cause a bit of tension within friendships.
Not being able to put away the practicality and bring out the emotion can make it hard for this personality to maintain those relationships. It is also worth mentioning that an INTJ will most likely prefer to spend their time alone unless they truly crave social interaction with a few individuals.
#10 How They Are Independent
As introverts, these two personality types have no issue with being independent and spending time alone. As mentioned previously, the INTJ typically prefers to spend time alone, more so than any other personality type. As for the INFJ they too enjoy spending time alone and being independent but they crave it way less than an INTJ.
As independent individuals, they don’t really need to be surrounded by people or friends to feel fulfilled. But when they do want that support, the INTJ will typically lean towards one or two friends to feel complete, whereas the INFJ will typically prefer a small group of friends.
#11 If and How They Idealize
INFJs typically tend to idealize people they admire and this is partly because “N” personality types are known to be idealists. They expect the best and hold people they admire to high standards. This tendency might also come from their ability to absorb the emotions of those around them.
Being able to absorb their emotions will make an INFJ believe that this makes them understand one another on a much deeper level.
As for the INTJ they tend to not idealize any individual. As logical leaning beings, this personality type likes to stay close to the facts. They will do their best to view the people in their life realistically without conjuring unrealistic expectations.
When it comes to being let down by those in their life, an INTJ is equipped for the blow as they don’t hold individuals to such high standards. As for the INFJ, a breakup or conflict might have a greater impact simply because they hold them to such high standards that anything that doesn’t meet those expectations will hurt them.
Overall, INFJs and INTJs seem to have very similar personalities but upon further dissection, it becomes apparent that there are nuances.
Although both personalities are introverts, the level at which each personality is an introvert is dependent on how much alone time they crave and how they garner fulfillment.
As discussed earlier in this INFJ vs INTJ compatibility article, it is evident that INTJs are generally categorized to be practical and logical beings and the INFJs are typically described as individuals connected to feeling. That does not however dictate that one cannot be both, but generally speaking, these personalities tend to lean one way.