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135 Powerful Affirmations for Success and Prosperity

Powerful Affirmations for Success and Prosperity

Here are some of the most powerful affirmations for success and prosperity. Keep them in mind and repeat to yourself everyday.

135 Powerful Affirmations for Success and Prosperity

#1 Nothing can keep me small. I am powerful from this day forward.

#2 I have the right to want what I want.

#3 I am a powerful person.

#4 I determine my success, not the world.

#5 I am limitless.

#6 My purpose is to lead. I was born for it.

#7 I am a channel to true prosperity. I show this to others.

#8 I must keep on going. I am my own hero.

#9 The world is my final destination. The world waits for me.

#10 The favorite success story I know is my own.

#11 My success cannot be rushed, it is a lifestyle.

#12 For now and always, happiness and peaceful fulfillment are at my disposal.

#13 Everything I need to be I can find it within myself.

#14 The success I have is unique to me.

#15 Today I plant the seeds. Tomorrow I will reap them. I do this wisely.

#16 I will not wait for success. I am successful right now.

#17 I am fearless.

#18 I invest in myself and that is the best investment I could make.

#19 All I need and desire is already available for me.

#20 I am ready for success right now. I do not want to wait any longer.

#21 My life is prosperous and I am inspired in many ways everyday.

#22 I am exactly how a highly successful person should be.

#23 Yesterday is already gone. Today, I renew my energies and get ready to live my wildest dreams.

#24 Everywhere I go I see opportunities opening up to me.

#25 I have my life for a reason, and I choose to make the most of it.

#26 I willingly receive, without fear, conditions or hesitation.

#27 I allow myself to follow my dreams completely, regardless of who is with me.

#28 I allow success to enter my life in a deeply rich and prosperous sense.

#29 I can enjoy life to the fullest and I can have it all.

#30 I recognize that I am successful today.

#31 My future is not limited by my past. I have no limits, I can do much more.

#32 Today is the day I perform at my best. The rehearsals are done.

#33 I care about myself only. I am not trying to prove anything to anyone and I do not give excuses.

#34 I exhale the same energy as the powerful sun.

#35 I am capable of many things. My current reality cannot limit my vision.

#36 I am living my dreams. There is much more than just money.

#37 My secret to be prosperous is to find joy everyday.

#38 To be aligned with my vision brings me happiness.

#39 I am thrilled about the many possibilities around me.

#40 Who I am is directly related to what I do. I am proud of that.

#41 I am worthy of the best. I do not make compromises when it comes to essential things.

#42 When I work with my strengths things come more easily for me.

#43 I am valuable and I am successful, but the two are not related.

#44 The world is full of unspeakable beauty, and my life is like the world.

#45 The path to success is aligned with self-awareness.

#46 I cherish my values and I pursue them. I do not get attached to fleeting wins.

#47 Prosperity is guaranteed when I act with integrity.

#48 I do not chase status, life is too precious and short.

#49 I have profound ambitions that have great meaning.

#50 I let go of thoughts that make me doubt my abilities.

#51 Limitations are only thoughts. They are not the truth.

#52 Life is to be lived, not conquered. Live it to the fullest.

#53 I am open-minded about what the future holds for me.

#54 I measure my prosperity with the filter of happiness, love and fulfillment.

#55 Life is magic, and my life reveals itself in a magical way.

#56 I have faith in my process.

#57 I respect the perfect timing of things. I am very patient.

#58 I do not fall for mind tricks. I do not doubt my ability.

#59 I invest time watering my garden of dreams, I know it cannot bloom the entire year.

#60 I focused on today, but I am also focused on my future dreams.

#61 My time on earth is well spent.

#62 I am essential. I am here, right now, for a reason.

#63 It is normal to have fears, but I also remember they are often untrue.

#64 I look at things with positivity ensuring that I will have marvelous outcomes.

#65 Even if it takes some time, I always conquer what is important to me.

#66 I do not need to wait for happiness, this is the core of my ambitions and dreams.

#67 There are days and days. Some require bold moves, others, simple actions.

#68 I can clearly see prosperity in all aspects of my life.

#69 I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams.

#70 I do not wait on the illusion of perfection, I grab my success right now and get help from the affirmations for success and prosperity.

#71 The success and good fortune in my life multiplies all the time.

#72 The natural abundance of life makes me feel safe.

#73 I am thriving through life, without extreme effort or force.

#74 I attract richness into my life like water to a sponge.

#75 I am rich. I am amazed with all the prosperity around me.

#76 My success is present in every action I take daily. Success is not some elusive future.

#77 I am happy with who I am, and this is success. The rest is a bonus.

#78 There is no one like me. I am one of a kind. I am unique.

#79 I take time to enjoy the good things in life. I do not feel hesitation or guilt.

#80 Success follows me as I treat myself like royalty.

#81 I am one of a kind.

#82 I am on the success path right now, and I know how to appreciate the ups and downs of life.

#83 Like a magnet I attract good fortune and inspiration as I sit quietly.

#84 It is already written that I am destined for greatness and good fortune.

#85 Everyday I reach small victories.

#86 I am a special being, and I add a special element to the world.

#87 I can only grow, my success is guaranteed. There are no failures.

#88 I fulfill my life’s purpose as I appreciate every moment.

#89 Success presents itself in interesting ways as I take some actions.

#90 I take some time everyday to do things that align me with my real life purpose.

#91 I attract money in an easy way.

#92 I am ready for success and money. I forgive myself for any past stiffness.

#93 I am ready and open-minded to receive new ideas and amazing insights.

#94 I do not wonder what others may think of me. I keep focusing on my objectives.

#95 I completely grasp the richness that today brings.

#96 I remind myself everyday that I am marvelous at what I do.

#97 Whatever I put my focus on, I am successful and grow.

#98 I choose to be successful. It is as simple as that.

#99 I appreciate what I have now and I attract even more good things.

#100 My beauty is revealed in each little action I take. It is like polishing a diamond.

#101 I want great things for myself. This is bravery.

#102 I know how to position myself in situations when others may not.

#103 I am proud of what I have achieved so far. It took me admirable strength and courage.

#104 I forgive myself for ever doubting myself before and I am proud of what I achieved.

#105 I am powerful and I am surprised with myself again today.

#106 Today I make valuable contributions to my legacy.

#107 I am not afraid to be courageous. It is always well-rewarded.

#108 My contributions are valuable and I am well paid from them.

#109 I respect my intellectual capacity. I am a genius in my own way.

#110 I have a balanced lifestyle afforded by my success.

#111 I am grateful for having money to support me today.

#112 I am open to more and more wealth.

#113 Because I am at peace with money, I allow it to flow in my life.

#114 I am very prosperous and I do what I like to do.

#115 I am going to make it, no matter the circumstances I have in front of me.

#116 The world around me and my success are aligned.

#117 I was born to be wealthy.

#118 My life is full of possibilities.

#119 To make my dreams possible, I take many chances.

#120 I am sure of my worth. That is why I bet on myself.

#121 I honor my existence by being prosperous. It is not for ego.

#122 I do not doubt my worth. I know I am destined to be successful.

#123 I pursue my wildest dreams by valuing who I am.

#124 What I do everyday is an investment in my future.

#125 My success is part of my life, and my life is in perfect order.

#126 I have a prosperous money mindset.

#127 Money is not a problem for me, it is a solution.

#128 I open up to a conscious state of prosperity in my life.

#129 Everyday I put on the clothes of success.

#130 I am thankful for having a life full of purpose and success and the power of the affirmations for success and prosperity.

#131 My purpose is to reign in life.

#132 I accept all the greatness and fulfillment that a successful life brings.

#133 I am prosperous not only financially, but in all aspects of my life.

#134 I openly receive the gifts of prosperity in my life.

#135 I am completely aware of the greatness of a successful life, and I accept it with open arms.

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