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211 Powerful Words of Encouragement for Kids (Affirmations & Quotes)

211 Powerful Words of Encouragement for Kids (Affirmations & Quotes)

Self-confidence is a trait that should be acquired at an early age. If you are an overly oppressive, protective family, your kids may grow up without self-confidence. You won’t be with your kids for life and your task is to prepare them for the world to survive on their own. In this post, we share hand-picked words of encouragement for kids to encourage them to do better at school and home.

We have compiled the words that will increase your kid’s self-confidence for you. By saying such words to your kids from time to time, you can make them believe in themself and be responsible.

211 Words of Encouragement for Kids

Here are 211 inspirational words of encouragement for a kid

#1 Everyone around you is watching you with amazement.

#2 You can do absolutely anything you put your mind to.

#3 You are free to be yourself and I support you in that.

#4 Our love and support are always with you.

#5 You live your life as a hero.

#6 I appreciate that you don’t try to be like anyone else.

#7 I love that you strive to be unique.

#8 We will always do our best to keep you safe.

#9 You can be sure that you will see much better days in the future.

#10 You have to be kind to those weaker than you.

#11 It’s nice that you can understand the pain of others.

#12 You are getting bolder every day.

#13 You will discover in time what you are talented in.

#14 We are proud to see your goodwill and effort.

#15 Don’t be afraid to follow your heart but use your mind when taking your steps.

#16 You may not always be happy, but life is beautiful after all.

#17 You are perfect just the way you are and you don’t have to look like others.

#18 You won’t always come across good people, but you should still keep the love in your heart.

#19 Nothing can change our love for you.

#20 You are safe and will be safe for the rest of your life.

#21 You have a warm home and it’s all worth it.

#22 You have to do your best when doing a job.

#23 You should always feel good about yourself because you deserve it.

#24 You have to be aware of your own worth and know that you will succeed.

#25 Never lose your smile and never lose hope.

#26 Achieving good things takes time so you have to be patient

#27 You are loved now and will always be loved, no doubt about it.

#28 It is very important that you can show kindness to people.

#29 You have enough love in your heart for everyone.

#30 We don’t always have to feel happy, sometimes we can feel sad.

#31 Happiness goes away from time to time but always comes back.

#32 Don’t be ashamed of your tears because it shows that you are merciful.

#33 You can achieve anything you dream of, but you have to work hard for it.

#34 You shouldn’t be afraid to show your feelings so you’ll be stronger.

#35 You can solve all problems and be sure that in time everything will be alright.

#36 As long as you act spontaneously and sensibly, you will be at peace.

#37 You will always be safe and peaceful in our home.

#38 You are so precious and that will never change.

#39 As long as you do the right thing, your friends will be the right people.

#40 Everyone cries sometimes, but eventually, we relax and become more energetic.

#41 Only those who dare to try something in life succeed.

#42 You deserve to live a healthy, happy and peaceful life.

#43 Even people who just met you will love you as much as your friends and family.

#44 We must stand by our friends in their bad times and give them strength.

#45 Remember to bring your love and joy wherever you go.

#46 Sometimes we feel anxious, but most of our worries don’t really matter.

#47 You are smart enough to accomplish much bigger things than you think.

#48 You are perfect as long as you act the way you are and you don’t have to look like others.

#49 Don’t compete with anyone but work hard to be better than you were yesterday.

#50 Whatever you do, we will support you and help you correct your mistakes.

#51 The things you fear will happen, of course, but you still have to keep moving forward.

#52 Every day may not be perfect, but there is always something to enjoy.

#53 Bad days will pass and good days will come.

#54 Those who try can succeed, but those who don’t try never succeed.

#55 Your heart may be broken but it will heal again.

#56 We can make the world a better place.

#57 Trust your ideas and work to bring them to life.

#58 You have a unique character and talent.

#59 Over time you will discover your talents and you will be able to use them better.

#60 The older you get, the more you will learn and the more successful you will be.

#61 You are valuable and important at all times and under all circumstances.

#62 It makes us happy to have you around.

#63 The one who is honest with both us and himself/herself is adorable.

#64 You don’t pretend like others and act like you are.

#65 You will gradually become a wise person.

#66 You are loved and respected much more than you realize.

#67 Bad days come and go, what matters is our love for each other.

#68 We face difficult and scary things from time to time, but we can overcome them.

#69 Your courage gives strength to your friends.

#70 Expressing your feelings isn’t easy, even for adults, but you do.

#71 We feel loving when you are by our side.

#72 You will accomplish greater things with each passing day.

#73 It makes us proud to see your kindness.

#74 You are fair and caring, so you deserve respect.

#75 There will be more happy days than sad days.

#76 Your family and friends support you and want you to succeed.

#77 We love you so much that nothing can change that.

#78 We will continue to support you today, tomorrow, and forever.

#79 Nothing lowers your value. Never forget to take advantage of the words of encouragement for kids.

#80 You are safe right now and it will stay that way forever.

#81 You cause love to spread.

#82 It’s great that you work on expressing yourself.

#83 You can be successful by going your own way.

#84 You will accomplish great things when the time comes.

#85 You’re being an honest and trustworthy person is priceless.

#86 Go on with your life however you feel.

#87 I understand your concerns and you should know that these are normal.

#88 We can solve all problems with love and understanding.

#89 We appreciate communicating and getting along with your friendships.

#90 The most valuable thing in this world is love and honesty.

#91 You already have a confident and strong-willed character.

#92 Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but we never stop trying.

#93 Never lose hope because there is always a solution.

#94 Remember that the future is full of opportunities, there is always a new path to be found.

#95 We are a very strong family and never get discouraged.

#96 Every day means new hopes and adventures.

#97 You know how to have fun and be happy.

#98 You will never be alone and will always be supported.

#99 We are happy to hear your kind words.

#100 What matters is who you are, not so much what you have.

#101 You will get stronger physically but the important thing is to get stronger mentally.

#102 You have to believe you can do many things.

#103 If you fear the possibility of failing, you will never succeed.

#104 We face life-long problems, but we never stop fighting.

#105 Whatever problems you may encounter, you are smart enough to solve them all.

#106 You will discover yourself as you struggle through challenges.

#107 You have unlimited potential and you will improve over time.

#108 After every problem you solve, you will be stronger than before.

#109 You have to do some things even if you are afraid.

#110 You should see struggles as an opportunity to improve yourself and address your problems.

#111 You have to work on getting stronger both physically and mentally.

#112 Experience is a great teacher and you should seize every opportunity to gain experience.

#113 Mistakes are only for learning, they have no other meaning.

#114 You should use your courage to do beautiful things.

#115 Just because you’re strong doesn’t mean you can mistreat others.

#116 You will learn something new every day and one day you will attain wisdom.

#117 We don’t need to be friends with everyone, only honest and trustworthy people should be in our lives.

#118 You will be respected as long as you are a good friend.

#119 You should show the same love and respect to both younger and older people.

#120 You will have some difficulties, but all of them will be left behind and you will forget most of them.

#121 Your small successes today are a sign of big successes tomorrow.

#122 Thinking about problems doesn’t do us any good.

#123 We have to do the right thing no matter how we feel.

#124 We don’t have to tolerate anyone who treats us badly.

#125 Someone who doesn’t respect us doesn’t love us.

#126 Love, respect, and honesty are the most precious treasures and we must protect them.

#127 You have family and friends who are happy in your presence.

#128 You shouldn’t insist on staying where you’re not wanted, you can definitely find a place where you’ll be happier.

#129 We can’t and don’t have to control everyone’s behavior towards us.

#130 Some people are bad, and that’s as normal as some people are good.

#131 Never lose your free spirit and work to cross borders.

#132 Don’t be afraid to change your mind because anyone can be wrong.

#133 Don’t be a fan of anything or you may have to defend the wrongs.

#134 Remember that people you love can make mistakes too, but forgive them if they’ve learned from their mistakes.

#135 Vengeance doesn’t do you any good, you don’t have to reciprocate anyone who has wronged you, but you won’t be seeing them anymore.

#136 There is nothing to fear in this life, you are free to live as you wish.

#137 Every time you can find a better friend, don’t waste your time with those who treat you badly.

#138 Don’t be afraid of being alone and learn to enjoy yourself.

#139 Not everyone may like you, but that’s okay. There will be people you don’t like, you shouldn’t let them bother you.

#140 You don’t have to prove yourself to others because you are perfect in your right and wrong.

#141 You can be wrong about things you know very well, you should always be open to learning new things.

#142 Always dream big and remember that you have to work hard to make it happen.

#143 Don’t be afraid to lose because next time you can win.

#144 We are all afraid of certain things., but we must do the right thing even though we are afraid.

#145 Make as many mistakes as you want, but never stop learning new things.

#146 While helping people, don’t expect anything in return but don’t forget the evil done to you.

#147 Don’t stay silent when wronged and fight for justice.

#148 You try 99 times and fail, but on your 100th attempt, all your failures are forgotten.

#149 What other people think doesn’t change anything about you.

#150 People’s opinions aren’t as important as you think, so keep doing what you think is right.

#151 No one succeeds the first time, only those who have the strength to keep trying.

#152 Sometimes things don’t work out even though we believe we’re doing everything right.

#153 We can’t always be lucky and it doesn’t mean we have to give up on what we’re doing.

#154 There is a job for everyone, you have to keep exploring yourself.

#155 Friendships begin and end, what matters is what they bring to you.

#156 Sometimes we unintentionally break people’s hearts, but it’s not a mistake that can’t be fixed.

#157 We should tell people the truth even though we know it will upset them.

#158 We must not lie to be loved, the important thing is to have an honest character.

#159 People always find something to criticize, so we can’t live by what other people think.

#160 A person who does not love himself/herself cannot love others, you are valuable and you must love yourself.

#161 If you delay solving your problems, you may never solve them in the future.

#162 Nothing will go as bad as you think, don’t believe every bad thought that crosses your mind.

#163 Thoughts come and go, you try to focus on the good thoughts and repeat them from within.

#164 Not everyone can do everything, just because others have failed at something doesn’t mean you’ll fail too.

#165 You should focus on working hard, not on the opportunities and luck you have. Opportunities come and go, but perseverance will always lead you to victory.

#166 You shouldn’t run away from difficulties because if our life is not full of difficult people and difficult circumstances, we cannot improve ourselves.

#167 Don’t change your way when faced with difficulties, try to find solutions, and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

#168 We may not be able to accomplish everything alone so you should value the people who support you.

#169 It’s great that you’re focused on achieving something, but don’t forget to have fun.

#170 You may be progressing slowly compared to others, but the important thing is to keep moving forward.

#171 You can always share your problems with us because we don’t judge you, we just help you find a solution.

#172 You can ask your family anything you wonder, we will be happy to help you.

#173 We promise to do our best to have a beautiful future.

#174 We cannot interfere with you in your life, but it is our duty to teach you what we know to be true.

#175 No matter what we teach you, you should always question that information, because we too can make mistakes.

#176 Don’t be afraid of love, hurt, criticism, and remember that even the worst of feelings will go away.

#177 As long as you believe in yourself, you will have the power to achieve anything.

#178 Don’t underestimate anyone because you don’t know how hard they are struggling.

#179 Try to enjoy your whole life, you don’t have to achieve anything to be happy.

#180 You should make friends with those who love you not because of your possessions, but because of your character.

#181 Don’t underestimate your talents because they will improve over time and lead you to success.

#182 Life is not as hard as it seems, you just have to keep improving yourself.

#183 Things may not always go well, but we do not lose hope.

#184 Even the bad memories you had today will be remembered years later with a smile.

#185 There is not 1 profession in the world, of course, you will find the one that suits you.

#186 Life isn’t all about jobs, you have to get yourself hobbies.

#187 You should engage in activities that make you feel good, such as watching a good movie, listening to a good song, and walking on the beach.

#188 Not everyone in life is divided into good or bad, we all have some good sides and some bad sides.

#189 Stop looking for the perfect friend, no one is perfect.

#190 Don’t try to be perfect because no one is perfect in this world and never will be.

#191 You will feel the benefits of reading books when you try to express yourself.

#192 Sometimes things can take a long time to take a break.

#193 Don’t forget to rest because you can’t keep up with everything.

#194 As long as you don’t run away from work, it’s not hard to find a job and earn money.

#195 Don’t underestimate the work you’ve done, because you’ve taken the first step towards great things in the future.

#196 Success doesn’t come overnight, you work for years and eventually succeed. You don’t hesitate to get help from the words of encouragement for kids.

#197 Don’t try to have everything early, stop racing and enjoy what you have.

#198 Acknowledge that all your emotions are normal and don’t forget that they come and go.

#199 Find something to do with passion but don’t look at anything as indispensable.

#200 Never be afraid to change your home, city, job, or career. No matter how old you are, live the way you want to live.

#201 There is no repetition of this life, and don’t keep yourself busy with serious matters.

#202 Great achievements require you to take big risks, but that doesn’t mean you’ll take risks without calculation.

#203 Sometimes we need to make decisions fast, sometimes slow, sometimes we need to run, sometimes we need to walk, sometimes we need to stop. Life is not lived at the same pace all the time.

#204 You may have taken a few steps back in a job where you were very confident, but it’s usually a momentary loss.

#205 There is something you can learn from everyone, you never know what you will learn from whom.

#206 Life isn’t all about school, we’re proud of your success in your studies, but don’t forget to have fun.

#207 Life is changing fast, the job you plan to do today may disappear when you grow up. Focus on a single job and improve yourself in different areas.

#208 Spending time in nature gives you peace of mind, sometimes you have to study plants and animals.

#209 Don’t do things you don’t want to get likes or approval from others.

#210 You can start life over at any age, make a career again and chart a new path for yourself.

#211 Never think you know everything or you will stop learning and fall behind.

Do you know other powerful words of encouragement for kids? Share with us!

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