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113 Powerful Words of Encouragement for My Son [Affirmations & Quotes]

113 Powerful Words of Encouragement for My Son [Affirmations & Quotes]

We have gathered 113 powerful and inspiring quotes and affirmations words so you can use them to encourage your son. Check all of them out!

Words of Encouragement for My Son

#1 You will always have help and support around you.

One fun and creative way to use the quotes is by printing them on custom stickers. These inspirational stickers can be used on laptops, skateboards, books, water bottles, and a lot of other places to encourage your boy or your customer (if you are a business owner) to have a happy and motivational day.

#2 You already have the love you seek within you.

#3 Every day, you grow a little more and become an even greater man.

#4 You are essential.

#5 Just be yourself. You do not need to follow any stereotype on how to be a man. They are not accurate.

#6 You are doing fine. Be proud of yourself.

#7 You can ask for help. You do not need to do everything by yourself.

#8 The world is a better place with you in it. You are needed.

#9 Do not rush! Take your time to find your purpose and become what you are supposed to be.

#10 If you continue being yourself, more people will want to get to know you.

#11 You are worthy just because you are you. You do not have to prove yourself to anyone.

#12 If you need to cry, do not be afraid. Crying heals the pain.

#13 You are smart and creative.

#14 You always look forward to your bright future, releasing what has passed.

#15 You are strong, stable, and yet also show great kindness.

#16 You show strength in various ways.

#17 You are kind to yourself, as you know you keep on growing every day.

#18 You are an individual and adored being. You are your own person.

#19 You keep on going towards your dreams without ever looking back.

#20 You know how to respect your space and time to understand what to do next.

#21 You recognize and are respectful about every action you take.

#22 Your inner peace cannot be affected by anything or anyone.

#23 You do not compare yourself to others. You do your own thing.

#24 You know you are worthy.

#25 You have faith in yourself. Others also have faith in you.

#26 In every way, you accept who you are.

#27 You keep your word and never let others down.

#28 No matter how long it takes, you pursue your dreams.

#29 You are loved because you are you.

#30 You are valued.

#31 In each challenge you face, you become more of the man you are supposed to be.

#32 Your body is your temple, and you take great care of it.

#33 There is no one like you. Just be yourself.

#34 Every day is a chance to build your future.

#35 Even if you don’t feel like it, you are a brave man.

#36 You take new chances.

#37 Even if you are afraid, you are brave and do it anyway.

#38 You are gentle, and you care about others.

#39 Kindness makes a great man, not harshness.

#40 You know how to identify the right moment to say no.

#41 When you need it, you ask for help with no hesitation.

#42 There is no one like you. You cannot be compared to anyone.

#43 You do things in your own time and in your own way.

#44 Your journey is full of good role models who inspire you.

#45 You are not lost. You will always find your way.

#46 The darkest days can be where the greatest growth is born.

#47 This will also pass. Just keep going and learn from your journey.

#48 You are in charge of what will happen in your future.

#49 You do not need to have any regrets because you are pursuing your dreams.

#50 It is fine to stop for a second and rest.

#51 The bad days will also pass. Just keep the faith.

#52 You are extremely strong to be able to open up and be vulnerable around others.

#53 You keep yourself open and ready to experience new things that come into your life.

#54 You have a strong sense of self my son.

#55 You are authentic. You do not change to fit in. You keep your essence.

#56 Love yourself fully makes you attract more love into your life.

#57 You love and respect each part of yourself.

#58 You keep loving who you are even while you are still a work in progress.

#59 You are constantly changing. Therefore, you are allowed to make mistakes.

#60 The way you choose to do things is just perfect.

#61 As you respect others, they will also respect you.

#62 When things do not work out as you expected, it hurts. But you also trust there is a better way out.

#63 You are more worthy than any award or medal. You do not have to compete.

#64 Even though you allow yourself to live your unique journey, you accept that you cannot see all the details yet.

#65 You pride yourself on who you are.

#66 You know how to recognize the moments when you have to let things go for the sake of your wellbeing.

#67 You are supported the entire way. You simply learn and grow from your failures.

#68 You have complete faith in yourself, and you lead your path.

#69 You are totally capable, more than you give yourself credit for.

#70 You will never be alone. You are loved and supported.

#71 You have a unique energy that can conquer everything.

The Most Famous Encouraging Quotes for Your Son

#72 “You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.”
Wally Schirra

#73 “It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters.”
Evander Holyfield

#74 “Go the extra mile. It’s never crowded there.”
Dr. Wayne D. Dyer

#75 “If a man has been his mother’s undisputed darling he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.”
Sigmund Freud

#76 “You’re never a loser until you quit trying.”
Mike Ditka

#77 “Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged.”
Louisa May Alcott

#78 “A champion is someone who gets up when he can’t.”
Jack Dempsey

#79 “My son, if your heart is wise, then my heart will be glad indeed.”
Proverbs 23:15 (NIV)

#80 When our culture can’t even agree on what it is to be a man, we will need a great deal of courage to stand on the divinely delivered definitions found in God’s Word.
Michael Fabarez, Raising Men, Not Boys

#81 “Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.”
John C. Maxwell

#82 “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Walt Disney

#83 “Turn your wounds into wisdom.”
Oprah Winfrey

#84 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9

#85 “Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act.”
Psalm 37:5

#86 “Be strong out there, my son. Look for the love and kindness in others. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes, and enjoy the journey.”
Kirsten Wreggitt, Before I Let You Go

#87 “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
Dr. Seuss

#88 “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou

#89 “What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning.”
Chuck Grassley

#90 “One day the people that don’t even believe in you will tell everyone how they met you.”
Johnny Depp

#91 “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
Dalai Lama

#92 “Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping them up.”
Jesse Jackson

#93 “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16

#94 “Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example rather than his advice.”
Charles F. Kettering

#95 “Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than one with all the facts.”
Albert Einstein

#96 “Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve done before.”
Bonnie Blair

#97 “In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.”
Theodore Roosevelt

#98 “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
Theodore Roosevelt

#99 “Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.”
Pamela Vaull Starr

#100 “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.”
Dr. Seuss

#101 “Nothing is particularly hard if you break it down into small jobs.”
Henry Ford

#102  “Be silly, be honest, be kind.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

#103 “Being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.”
Luna Lovegood

#104 “Don’t doubt your value. Don’t run from who you are.”

#105 “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”
Jennifer Dukes Lee

#106 “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
Desmond Tutu

#107 “If you would have your son to walk honorably through the world, you must not attempt to clear the stones from his path, but teach him to walk firmly over them – not insist upon leading him by the hand, but let him learn to go alone.”
Anne Bronte

#108 “Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference.”
Claire Fagin

#109 “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.”
J.K. Rowling

#110 “Whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31

#111 “You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
A A Milne

#112 “Always go with your passions. Never ask yourself if it’s realistic or not.”
Deepak Chopra

#113 “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”
Arthur Ashe

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