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Eysenck Personality Types: Extraversion vs Neuroticism vs Psychoticism

Eysenck Personality Types: Extraversion vs Neuroticism vs Psychoticism

German psychologist Hans Jürgen Eysenck thought that personality types could be determined and measured by biological factors, and he developed the Eysenck Personality Model based on this hypothesis. In this post, we explain Eysenck in detail and share the differences of the Eysenck personality types such as extraversion vs neuroticism vs psychoticism.

After years of study, he explained personality types under the headings of extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism. He just wanted measurable results, and the Eysenck Personality Model was the test he wanted. Although it received a lot of attention in its first years, people thought it did not offer an adequate evaluation.

We have explained in detail the personality types defined by the Eysenck Personality Model.

Extraversion – Introversion in Eysenck

Extraversion and introversion determine how you behave in social situations and how you respond to criticism or compliments from others.


The fewer people are affected by external factors, the more they can be extroverted because socializing does not bother them and they meet new people at every opportunity to benefit more from socialization. Since criticism and compliments do not affect them any less, they become more courageous and act as they feel.

1. They find something to do every day

They need the energy of socialization, they always want to be involved when they see a new experience opportunity. They volunteer for any new job and can be the first to try things other people are hesitant about. They never stay for long in an environment where they feel comfortable because they like to live with a challenge and this can give them huge gains.

2. They love to talk

They never avoid chatting and arguing, as long as they talk, it is not so important what they talk about. If they attend a party and look forward to meeting new people, they will be the first to greet and extend their hands for a handshake. Their friendly and sincere personalities are very attractive to other people and they can drag many with them.

3. They are optimistic people

Even if they experience bad events, they can find the strength to continue through their perspective on life because they always focus on the good. While this sometimes causes them to become detached from reality, it is generally a perspective that works to their advantage. Instead of staying emotional and pessimistic, they focus on the solution in a positive way, and by influencing their other friends in this direction, they ensure that things are resolved together.

4. They are adrenaline junkies

They tend to do their wishes and have the courage to do so because they are not afraid to take risks. They always need new experiences, the more unknown the outcome of an experience, the more appealing it will be to them. If they are going to take an initiative or attend an event, they do not need to learn all the details of the work to be done.

5. They don’t like to be alone

They don’t know what fatigue is and they want to travel every hour of every day because interacting with people gives them energy, happiness, and excitement. They can’t sit alone at home because they live as if they are addicted to these feelings. They are constantly making plans and looking for new activities with their friends and family.

6. They like to attract the attention of others

They enjoy being noticed in crowded environments, they are very happy when all people are interested in them and want to talk to them. They are enthusiastic about the arts, they can be successful if they can find a field that suits their talents and this allows them to live a life that will satisfy them for a lifetime. They are fun people, they are the most wanted party names and they always have a large group of friends because they are loved by the people.

7. They have too many friends

Since they do not hesitate to take the first step towards being friends, they have so many friends that they do not know the number. Not all of their friends are so close, but they are never alone because their behavior is sincere. They can find a common interest with many people and plan an activity in no time. They can also form deep relationships, but for this, they need to spend a lot of time with one person, which is unlikely because they lead an active life.


They tend to avoid external factors because they are too much affected by criticism, compliments, and all kinds of events that happen to them. They are the quietest and most shy people in their friend group, reluctant to find new friends and live an active life. They do not like to take risks, acting without thinking is not for them, they review all the details before doing anything. They like to spend time on their own, not in crowded environments, social environments can make them nervous.

1. A few close friends are enough for them

They don’t talk unless it’s necessary, they don’t like being asked questions, and they don’t worry about other people’s lives either. They do not want to interact with anyone except a very small group of friends or a few people they are intimate with. Constantly meeting new people is a kind of torture for them and they prefer to stay away from places where such situations can occur. Parties do not interest them, and if they have to go to a party, they look for an opportunity to drink quietly in a corner and leave the party as soon as possible.

2. They don’t like superficial friendships

They don’t care about the number of friends, they look at the depth of friendships and how much trust and peace they bring. If they feel that they are not respected by their friends, they do not meet with those friends, they feel uncomfortable being in an environment where they are not accepted. Making friends with them is a good experience, they will make you feel good and their loyalty will give you confidence. Your friendship will last longer as long as you don’t overwhelm them, they don’t want to accompany you in every environment, but they do their best to help you.

3. They like hobbies that require knowledge and skills

They do not like spontaneous activities, they want to participate in pre-planned activities that they know what to do. In the workplace, you can’t see disciplined employees who are as concentrated on their work as they are, they try to make everything they do very well. Even if they need to choose a hobby to spend their free time, they do not want it to be an ordinary hobby, they enjoy the work that they need to think about.

4. They don’t like being the center of attention

They tend to stay away from environments where they will be vulnerable and feel pressured. Because of this, they are reluctant to express their opinions and may be perceived as very passive. They are thought to be cold and distant, but they are very thoughtful people and are afraid of hurting others. Even if they don’t like the majority’s decision or find it unreasonable, they follow the decision and don’t want to cause problems. Even if you do not get useful ideas about the work to be done from them, they can be successful at work because they will do the given task completely without questioning.

5. They like to be alone

Socializing is not for them, as the number of people in their environment increases, their uneasiness increases at the same rate. In addition, if they do not know the people who are new to the environment, they become even more uncomfortable and think that it is time to leave the environment. Although we all need to be alone from time to time, being alone has become a way of life for them and they feed off of loneliness.

6. They can be touchy

They do not want to be known as sloppy, lazy, or undisciplined because they are affected by external factors and they want to do everything they can. They don’t like to take responsibility because if things go wrong, the prospect of having to answer and argue with others consumes them. They prefer to do mundane tasks that they are sure of getting results and lead a life free from struggle.

7. They don’t like to talk

Even if they are right about something, they prefer to stay away from discussion, explaining themselves, trying to convince people that they are right is not for them. They may make time for small problems, but as the problems grow, they try to divert attention from themselves by doing whatever other people say.

Neuroticism – Emotional Stability

Neuroticism-Emotional Stability determines how you behave mentally and emotionally in stressful situations and whether you feel safe or not.


There can be very drastic changes in their moods because they worry about even the smallest problems and struggle until they find a solution. They get lost in the details, spending too much time on even small problems that no one else notices. If their plan in any matter does not work, they become very disappointed and very stressed, and their anxiety level increases. It is generally not possible to see them satisfied and calm with their work.

1. They want their work to be perfect

For work that others find “great”, they can find hundreds of mistakes because they focus too much on the negative parts of the work. Unless they complete a job without error, they do not consider it finished, so we can say that they are perfectionists. If you have such a boss, your job is very difficult because it is not possible for him/her to like what you are doing, and they may even ask you to work from scratch in the slightest flaw they find. If you have such an employee, we can say that you are partly lucky. Even if they waste time, the work they produce will be flawless.

2. The result is important to them

Even if you have worked for months to finish a job, they don’t care about the effort you put in, they only look at the product you produce. If there is even one error in your product, they will not be satisfied until those errors are corrected. If your product has multiple errors, it’s only a matter of time before they terminate your work. Their expectations are very high and they see it as disrespectful not to be treated in line with their expectations.

3. They may be laughing now, but crying after 5 minutes

It is difficult to keep up with their changing moods, they may be aware of this sometimes, but sometimes they may not understand what is happening. Don’t judge them based on the emotional state you see at that moment, because their emotions may have changed before you evaluate them. While they seem happy, they may exhibit depressive attitudes after a short while.

4. They are often very stressed

Even small problems can stress them out, and when they don’t get a solution, their stress level increases. When you give them a job, try not to mention the time limit because even for a job they can normally do in a short time, a promise like “you have to finish the job in 3 days” can stress them out. They may not be able to concentrate on the work and tend to delegate the work to someone else.

5. They often think about what could go wrong

They often think about solutions to problems that haven’t happened yet because they constantly focus on the negative in their social or work life. They may stray away from reality when assessing a situation, wasting time focusing on problems that usually happen once in a million.

6. We can call them obsessive people

Even if everything goes well, one mistake can ruin their day because from then on, all they think about is that mistake. They don’t care about getting the job done, delivered on time and the customer likes it, all they care about is how that one mistake was made and how to fix it. Unless that one bug is fixed, the job is a failure for them.

7. They can be jealous

Even if what others have is not very expensive or valuable, they can be envied. They may even be jealous of the relaxed behavior of others, as they are constantly worried and stressed. They want to be calm, stress-free, and successful, but their mental structure is not suitable for being peaceful because even the jobs they are successful in do not satisfy them.

Emotional Stability

People who are non-neurotic or low neurotic have peace and happiness in their lives. They tend to see the beauties of life, are more easily satisfied and are less affected by external factors. Worry and fear have no place in their lives and they are seen as reliable people because they positively affect the people around them.

1. They are confident

Since they know themselves very well, they know the good and right things to do and they tend to do these jobs. If they believe they are doing the right thing with a job, they stay calm and wait for the result instead of worrying about situations they can’t control. They are also emotionally stable and consistent people, they do not behave in a way that will disturb you, and they make you feel that they are in control.

2. They know how to deal with stress

They do not expect everything to go well and take it very naturally, then try to solve the problem by doing their best. For them, when things go wrong, it’s an opportunity to improve themselves, so they put their skills to the test. No matter how big the problem is, they do not act unbalanced or cowardly, they focus on the solution and can make the best decisions because they are not stressed.

3. They are forgiving people

They think that everyone can make mistakes and it is normal, they can forgive you very easily if they believe that you understand your mistake and will not repeat it again. They will encourage you again in the next work you will do, and they will do their best to make you work more efficiently. If you have a boss with such character, this is a great opportunity, you are a lucky employee because they do not seek perfection but overall quality.

4. They inspire other people

Because they can stay cool even in the most stressful situations, other people ask them what to do, what they are doing they try to do the same. They also get ideas from other people and by calmly evaluating them, they get rid of the bad situation they are in. They are also great leaders because their speech is reassuring and comforting to other people.

5. You can always count on them

External factors cannot easily change their emotions, their concentration is not impaired, and they do not exhibit unexpected behaviors. Their predictable behavior makes other people feel comfortable, and their consistency helps them gain confidence. They can always show the same performance and can communicate well with their friends. When they make a promise, they always keep it, it is like an unchangeable rule for them, they are true to their word.

6. They are carefree but not reckless

They look at all events, good and bad, as new experiences and enjoy such situations because they are confident in their abilities. For them, the results are only the first steps of a new experience. There is no worry or doubt in their minds, but they always do their job in the best way and do not shy away from responsibility. You can’t see them quitting hard work or giving up, they don’t lose their joy.

7. They don’t seek perfection

Successful work, no matter how small, satisfies them, makes them feel good and motivated for the next job. They do not find themselves in unnecessary struggles because they do not need to be a leader or to be at the top, which saves them time and energy. Their mental structure allows them to live a happy and peaceful life, and this is already enough for them.

Psychoticism – Normality

People’s level of psychoticism ranges from highly psychotic to more normalized extremes, so we will now examine the results for this personality type.


They don’t care what other people think of them, they don’t live by the rules set by others, and it’s enough for them to think it’s right for them to do something. Although this is a good feature for them to live freely, it can be negative in terms of communication as it makes it difficult for them to understand the feelings of others. Also, their actions may be overdone for their reckless comfort and may annoy other people.

1. They are creative people

They may find extraordinary ways to come up with a product, find a solution to a problem, or express themselves. They can easily see ways that other people cannot notice, and they can surprise people with their creative features. The ability to free their minds, think outside the box, and have courage offers them unlimited possibilities.

2. They don’t think too much before they act

Because they do not seek the approval of others, they may act in a way that turns many situations in their favor. No rule can stop them, they don’t even care about the rules, all they want is to reach the goal they are focused on. They may be seen as selfish as they put their own needs and desires first, but it is an attitude that helps them be happy and get what they want.

3. They refuse to act as society wants them to

They are unaffected by social pressure and do not live by what others will say. Their freedom can sometimes reach extremes and they may engage in criminal behavior. If they live controlled freedom, they can get what they want out of life and they won’t get in trouble.

4. They always seek pleasure

They act spontaneously and it is very difficult for them to control it. They may decide to do something instantly and go after it because they want instant gratification. The happiness they will experience now is more important than the happiness that will be achieved after a plan has been made and a few years from now. If there is a reward in any activity, they will do their best to earn it, and if there is no reward, they will choose not to participate in an activity.

5. They can be aggressive to get what they want

There is nothing more important to them than what they want to have in this life, and they may turn away from kindness to get what they want. They don’t care about the feelings and wishes of others, they always put themselves first, and they can get frustrated if they don’t get what they want.

6. They don’t need friends

They do not need other people because they live focused on their own goals, and other people do not choose to be friends with them because they do not behave appropriately in social situations. Their friendships are often superficial, and they only make friends with those with whom they are together for a common purpose. Socializing is a waste of time for them and they do not enjoy sharing with people.

7. They don’t empathize

For them, everything is important for their personal gain and they are not interested in anything that does not serve their gain. If they are wondering how a person is feeling, it should be beneficial for them whether that person’s feelings are good or bad. Living a life without empathy does not affect them negatively because they do not need the social environment that empathy will bring and create a good impression.


They fall into the group we define as good people and are normal people who can adapt to any environment. Because they have low psychoticism, they do not cause problems, do not disturb anyone, have no difficulty in empathizing, and do their best for the success of others.

1. They are not selfish

They prefer to live simply and do not get carried away by their personal ambitions and become aggressive. They can make sacrifices for the happiness of others and can be helpful enough to give up their own wishes. They are people everyone would want to be friends with and would enjoy meeting.

2. They can control their emotions and thoughts

They do not lose themselves to gain in any subject by succumbing to their greed. They can control themselves even in the most stressful situations and reassure other people with their stable behavior. If you have such employees at work, we can say that you can leave the crisis periods behind very easily.

3. They can delay their own wishes

Because they have low levels of psychoticism, they have no trouble suppressing their own desires, but this can make them seem shy. When they are angry or happy, they can control their behavior and do not experience any emotional outbursts.


This personality test tried to explain people’s personalities in the form of different combinations of emotional and social aspects. There can be innumerable variations in people’s experiences and there may be situations where they fit several different personality types. The best thing about people is that they don’t always behave as expected. Although this is not a very popular test, we think it gives you a different perspective. Such tests will be useful as long as you do not create prejudice against people.

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